• 这个恶魔代理获得神圣特许一段时间里,钻入牧师内心,阴谋破坏灵魂

    This diabolical agent had the divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul.


  • 剧情简介:电梯,却发现恶魔伪装他们之中

    Synopsis: a group of people trapped in a elevator realize that the devil is among them.


  • 在两兄弟找到父亲后,故事演变父子三想法杀死Azazel-在23年前害死两兄弟母亲黄眼恶魔

    Once they find him, the show becomes about killing Azazel, the yellow-eyed demon responsible for the death of their mother 23 years ago.


  • 2001年,参议院辩论中,:“有些次级贷款视作恶魔,在眼里,次级贷款是实现美国手段。”

    In 2001, he told a Senate debate: "Some people look at sub-prime lending and see evil. I look at sub-prime lending and I see the American dream in action."


  • 肥胖恐怖一个地方一旦“肥胖”站稳脚恶魔难以击倒

    ONE of the horrors of obesity is that once it takes hold it is fiendishly difficult to reverse.


  • 通常来说,如果冷酷无情一个死去孩子们成为孤儿,这种称为恶魔;而一点丝毫不会因为是个教士有所改变

    Ordinarily, a man who would callously let a woman die and orphan her children would be called a monster; this should not change just because he is a cleric.


  • 于是,小珠儿——那个小精灵,那个直到那时坚持认为恶魔后裔就成了当年新大陆的富有的继承

    So Pearl — the elf-child, — the demon offspring, as some people, up to that epoch, persisted in considering her — became the richest heiress of her day, in the New World.


  • 使恶魔降在亚比·米勒中间,示剑就以诡诈待亚比·米勒。

    God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the citizens of Shechem, who acted treacherously against Abimelech.


  • 盗梦空间极佳展示了克里斯托弗·诺兰时间空间把握,但是斯科塞斯的“特般恶魔压抑种种的更深层次不安挖掘

    "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.


  • 中世纪以来欧洲通常认为是因为女巫或者恶魔坐在身上,诱捕灵魂

    More commonly the European view from the Middle Ages was that a witch or other demonic entity was sitting on their bodies and trying to entrap their souls.


  • 于此同时利物浦似乎八十年代起开始沉沦那时候大量失业损害了这座城市,当地撒切尔当成是外来恶魔

    Liverpool, meanwhile, is seen to have struggled since the 1980s, when massive unemployment scarred the city and Margaret Thatcher was seen by locals as a kind of foreign overlord.


  • 通常来说,如果冷酷无情一个死去孩子们成为孤儿,这种称为恶魔

    Ordinarily, a man who would callously let a woman die and orphan her children would be called a monster;


  • 无辜者命运任由恶魔支配中类似的情境让过目难忘,从而使拉赫松的三部曲呈现出绝对论的道德观不过这同时也是这套小说强大的卖点之一。

    You don't forget such episodes-the truly innocent at the mercy of the truly evil-and they lead directly into the absolutist morals of Larsson's books, which may also be a powerful selling point.


  • 外地回来了? 你外面世界信息吗? 这最近场巨大地震而且一整都没有恶魔恐吓一个市民!

    CONSORT:Outlanders, you are back? Have you news of the outside world? There was a great earthquake recently, and no demons have terrorized a citizen for an entire week!


  • 他们来到被称为“极旱之地”的荒漠,据当地传说这里经常恶魔出没。

    They came to a wilderness called the 'Waterless Desert', which the local people said was haunted by demons.


  • 一个消沉时,每件事沮丧。所以一旦通过消除恶魔你积极的想法代替它们吧。

    When a person is in a depressed mood, everything can seem depressing. So once you've exorcised the demons by calling a stop, replace them with good thoughts.


  • 天鹅湖关于一个年轻恶魔变成半鹅的生物

    Swan Lake is about a young woman turned into a half-swan, half-human creature by an evil magician.


  • 如果一个遇到这样恶魔那般魔王自己他们去那里恐惧从而腾出房子居住者黑暗肆虐实体

    It was said that if a demon or such were to encounter something as fiendish looking as themselves that they'd run away in terror, thus sparing the houses dwellers from the ravages of dark entities.


  • 当地认为探险家恶魔

    The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.


  • 太太钻石项链唤起年轻的恶念(直译:唤醒了那年轻中的恶魔),死那拿走了项链。 。

    Thee lady's diamond necklace awoke the devil in the young man. He choked her and took it away.


  • 相信世上有鬼怪和恶魔吗?你敢不敢整,待一个传说中的鬼屋?

    Do you believe in ghosts of evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted?


  • 有些GnosticTantric教派种表现出错综复杂天使恶魔天堂地狱名单以及永无止尽讨论象征的教派。

    Some get involved in Gnostic or Tantric religions, the kind that present intricate rosters of angels and demons and heavens and hells, and endlessly discuss symbols.


  • 苏联欧洲部分东南部城市位于伏尔加河三角洲这个鞑靼的城市55'恶魔伊万征服。493,000。

    A city of southeast European U. S. S. R. on the Volga River delta. The Tartar city was conquered by Ivan the Terrible in 55 '. Population, 493,000.


  • 两个青少年摆脱他们平凡生活通过研究巫术无意中召唤出了称为“盲眼”的古老恶魔

    Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as the Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane lives.


  • 恋爱了,一个进入了恋爱,但是感觉微妙的很悲伤,我这个恶魔能否幸福

    I'm in love, a man entered the love, but the feeling is very subtle, and very sad, I can give her the devil happy?


  • 相信世界上有鬼怪恶魔吗?你敢不敢整,待一个传说中的鬼屋

    Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted?


  • 相信世界上有鬼怪恶魔吗?你敢不敢整,待一个传说中的鬼屋

    Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted?


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