• 因此他们可能更多任务他们悠闲一天获利更多。

    As a result, they have a possibility to do more tasks, making their casual days more profitable.


  • 今天悠闲一天虽然学习英语但是效果还是一般,最主要口语,但是我二还是一些

    Today is the day I am very relaxed, although in learning English, but the effect is general, is mainly spoken very bad, but I Erjie or better than some.


  • 记忆泡沫塑料容易保持水分环境容易尘螨模具使过敏患者拥挤应该什么时,悠闲一天

    Memory foam easily retains moisture and is an environment prone to dust mites and molds, leaving allergy sufferers sniffing and congested during what should be the most restful time of the day.


  • 携带着一天担负回到家里时候,坐在园里悠闲着花叶。

    When with the day's burden I went home, my love was sitting in the garden idly tearing the leaves of a flower.


  • 第二天早上特蕾莎母亲孩子亲吻道别,开始难得悠闲时光

    The following morning, Theresa kissed her mother and child goodbye and headed off for a rare day of leisure.


  • 明天新的一天如果相信自己,你可以悠闲生活

    Tomorrow is a new day. If you believe yourself, you could be the stroller of life!


  • 一天许许多多飞机从安联上方飞过自适悠闲宁静时候

    Everyday fly lots of planes by the Allianz Arena, when it is always there in peace and quiet.


  • 悠闲一天鱼,电影院小时,反复地同一部影片他们通常能做的就是这些了。

    A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually AS far AS they get.


  • 希望一天带给幽默感力量事可片刻悠闲

    I wish that this day could bring me a sense of humor, the power to laugh, and a little leisure with nothing to do.


  • 生活好像没有压倒不然不会这么悠闲自在的一天,我曾经有过问题,我真的长大了吗?也许吧

    Life does not seem to overwhelm me, or I would not be so leisurely's lives every day, I once had a problem, I really grew up in it? Maybe!


  • 日间快速服务不同,夜班列车伴随着轧声悠闲缓慢的前进,旨在乘客养精蓄锐准备迎接新的一天,而不是用最短时间起点到终点

    The opposite of fast daytime services, night trains chug at a relaxed pace, aiming to deliver passengers refreshed and ready for the day rather than getting from A to B in the shortest possible time.


  • 第五休息日清晨阳光和煦,节奏缓慢悠闲

    The fifth day is a rest day. The early morning rain sets the pace for a slow start.


  • 漫长一天观光之后可以悠闲酒店的咖啡厅喝一杯,品尝小吃。

    Return to the hotel for your evening meal after a long day's sightseeing or business in the city.


  • 那么希望,有我们一起悠闲打发时间结伴,我答应一天,把信里上一个

    I hope that one day, we could kill the time leisurely and carefree together, accompanied, but the line, I promised you, each day, wrote mine love in the letter, and in India lips.


  • 逃学的孩子缺乏想象力的,悠闲一天电影院里坐八个钟头一遍又一遍地同一电影他们通常做的也就是这些了。

    Little boys who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get.


  • 逃学的孩子缺乏想象力的,悠闲一天电影院里坐八个钟头一遍又一遍地同一电影他们通常做的也就是这些了。

    Little boys who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet day's fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get.


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