Notice the instance variables (or ivars, as Cocoa and Cappuccino usually refer to them) for your controller in Listing 3.
It used to be so simple. Relatives, friends, children and dogs were du; everyone else was Sie.
You want to check that the title and gender elements match up; for example, if title is set to Mr, then gender should be set to m for male.
The culture has changed: its hosts and hostesses, known as Gentils Organisateurs, now have to address customers with the formal vous rather than tu in public.
Harvey: It sounds fine to me... Do you mind if I call you Lok?
Usted and ustedes are respectful and formal words used to express you , in the singular and plural forms.
If yours is a "title" office, but you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr. Dodd when others are around.
Addressing women can be tricky. If you insult a woman by being too informal, the results can be problematic.
While you are here, I must stipulate that you are always known as say as Richards an ordinary name, and convenient.
While you are here, I must stipulate that you are always known as say as Richards an ordinary name, and convenient.