Suspension should be avoided through the construction joints settlement joint.
Even better, the beanbag wheels absorb shock far better than other types of wheels, reducing the need for a hefty suspension.
Every second, sensors on the vehicles take hundreds of different measurements-the engine, suspension, or the drivers' well-being-and relay them to the pits.
The team is optimizing the performance of the wheels, suspension, the drive system, so it doesn't dig itself in on tricky terrain.
Compared with gravity drainage system, it has the advantages of small pipe diameter and installing space, non-sloped suspended pipe, less sewage connecting and underground pipes and etc.
Compared with gravity drainage system, it has the advantages of small pipe diameter and installing space, non-sloped suspended pipe, less sewage connecting and underground pipes and etc.
论述了微重力落塔落舱电磁悬吊、释放、提升控制系统的关键技术 ,以及电磁释放过程的特性分析和微重力落塔实际试验情况 。
The technical difficult point and general situation of the electromagnetic hanging , releasing and lifting machine for the micrograv ity falling tower are discussed.
论述了微重力落塔落舱电磁悬吊、释放、提升控制系统的关键技术 ,以及电磁释放过程的特性分析和微重力落塔实际试验情况 。
The technical difficult point and general situation of the electromagnetic hanging , releasing and lifting machine for the micrograv ity falling tower are discussed.