• 老奶奶想尽一切办法安慰海蒂;看到这么伤心,她心里难受

    The grandmother tried all possible means to comfort the child; it wrung her heart to see her terrible distress.


  • 很清楚目的之一他们想尽一切办法瓦解敌军的士气。

    Clearly, one of the objectives is to demoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.


  • 社会关系不是建立建立起来的,想尽一切办法去争取。

    Hustling for social contacts isn't something that just happens. You have to make it happen.


  • 看看广告就会发现电影制作方想尽一切办法使老套的手法增色

    Look at the ads for Chamber of Secrets, and you'll see that the filmmakers are doing all they can to juice up the formula.


  • 想尽一切办法来保护自己免受所有可能的危险。

    He tried all the ways he could think of to protect himself against all possible dangers.


  • X 理论认为,人们本能地不喜欢工作,并会想尽一切办法避免工作。

    Theory X is the idea that people instinctively dislike work and will do anything to avoid it.


  • 王把所有的驯鹰师召集到一起,命令他们想尽一切办法让它飞起来。

    The king called all his falconers together and ordered them to try every way they could to make it fly.


  • 就会想尽一切办法实现

    I am then trying to do all kinds of things to achieve that.


  • 我们正在想尽一切办法资料

    We are exploring every avenue to obtain the information you are asking for.


  • 真是可怕一天人们想尽一切办法重回太平。

    It had been a horrible day, and people in the neighborhood were doing their best to recover.


  • 牧羊人想尽一切办法保护自己羊群也是如此

    As a shepherd gives everything possible to protect his flock, so God gives everything he can to guard his followers.


  • 想尽一切办法结识秘书,请推荐俱乐部会员

    I scraped up an acquaintance with the secretary and got him to propose me for membership of the club.


  • 想尽一切办法利用引擎制动刹车偏移克服这个问题

    I was doing everything I could in terms of engine braking and brake bias to try and cure it.


  • 知道人们想尽一切办法我们施压他们就是想让我们输球

    I understand that people are doing everything to put us under pressure and make us lose.


  • 詹姆士害怕失败,因为担心小弟想尽一切办法打败而心力交瘁

    James dreads failure and is consumed by the fear that his kid brother might beat him at his chosen endeavour.


  • 人们想尽一切办法——无论有多么荒谬——避免面对自己灵魂

    People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls.


  • 然而很多却非常讨厌牙医他们想尽一切办法不去常规检查

    Yet many people hate going to the dentist so much, they'll do anything they can to put off going in for their regular check up.


  • 开始几天想尽一切办法展示个性原创力段时间会有人要的东西

    The first couple days you'll want to do everything you can to showcase your own individuality & originality... It's during this time you are & have what everybody wants...


  • 选举结束后,是这样结束备忘录的,里根想尽一切办法赤字等问题抽象化

    Then he ended the note by saying after the election, Reagan could do whatever he wanted to do about abstractions like the deficit.


  • 沃尔玛清仓处理招牌糟糕男朋友一样他们想尽一切办法他们出去

    Those signs on the bargain bins at Walmart are like bad boyfriends: they'll say anything to get you to take them out.


  • 客户应该按他们喜欢方式工作,而开发团队应该想尽一切办法客户获得成功

    The customer should be able to work in his preferred way and the development team should try to align itself in a manner which makes the customer succeed.


  • 所以想尽一切办法自己情人快乐不是腿,自己感情空洞弥补

    So, will leave no stone unturned to make their lovers happy, this is not escapade, which is hollow to make up their own feelings.


  • 如果一个特定实体经常会多个用户同时更改,则应该想尽一切办法添加事务作用域中

    If you have a particular entity that is frequently changed by multiple users simultaneously, by all means add it to the transaction scope.


  • 中国重视男性子嗣的深远文化传统千万家庭想尽一切办法保证唯一孩子是个男孩

    China's strong cultural imperative for male offspring has led many families to do whatever they must to ensure that their one permissible child is a son.


  • 我们国家现在第一要务就是想尽一切办法促进经济增长创造中产阶级需要的好的工作岗位

    Our top priority as a country right now should be doing everything we can to grow our economy and create good, middle class jobs.


  • 我们国家现在第一要务就是想尽一切办法促进经济增长创造中产阶级需要的好的工作岗位

    Our top priority as a country right now should be doing everything we can to grow our economy and create good, middle class jobs.


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