• 同时划船旱冰都得到了意外惊喜

    There were other pleasant surprises, notably in rowing and roller-blading.


  • 丈夫良介这个意外惊喜感到非常开心

    She is pleased for the good news with her husband Ryosuke.


  • 通过发送回执参加会展获得精美礼品意外惊喜

    By sending back the return forms and attending Exhibition, obtain beautiful gifts and surprise joy.


  • 最终他们是否能够成为幸福一家人收看喜剧意外惊喜》。

    Whether they can become the happy whole family finally, please watch the comedy "Accident Pleasantly surprised".


  • 还有一个意外惊喜电话安放在仪表盘上,可以打字驾驶

    And a bonus: with the phone mounted on the dashboard, you can’t text and drive.


  • 团队问题解决途径拓宽了,给人带来意外惊喜方向因此而显现。

    Now that it can be talked about openly, the team's range of possible approaches is expanded, and surprising new directions can result.


  • 顾客临时商铺所提供意外惊喜元素以及那种限时限量购物体验很爱戴

    Customers are known to love the element of surprise and the 'get it while it lasts' feel that a pop-up store offers.


  • 美国宇航局建立月球基地计划月球表面存在大量发现之后获得意外惊喜推动

    Nasa's plans to establish a human outpost on the moon have received a surprise boost following the discovery of large amounts of water on its surface.


  • 伦敦附近徘徊田野街巷寻找猎物常有意外惊喜偶尔也会被吓一跳

    He prowls the fields and streets near his London home for his prey and the results are often surprising; occasionally shocking.


  • 普纳侯学校第一奥巴马正好十岁圣诞节时候意外惊喜父亲看望了。

    In his first year at Punahou, when he was ten, Obama got an unexpected Christmas gift: a visit from his father.


  • 目前而言,我们建议不要期望air会在今年发布我们排除BUILD发布会上意外惊喜

    At this point our recommendation is to not bet on AIR to actually be available this year, but we cannot rule out a surprise announcement at the BUILD conference either.


  • 受到此次成功意外惊喜激励,目前布特公司正紧锣密鼓地准备推出‘大众版’的2011年挂历

    Surprised but enlivened by the success of the calendar, EIZO and Butter are thinking of re-running it for 2011 and making it "accessible to the public at large."


  • 所以本田不仅得到了一个销售意外惊喜而且他可以消除调整生产水平依靠促销而带来的超额库存

    So the automaker not only gets an opportunity to reap a windfall in sales; it also can liquidate excess inventory without adjusting production levels or resorting to incentives.


  • 意外惊喜这个应用程式还会记住用户所以下一次登录的时候,NOAA雷达准备显示所在位置的雷达。

    Bonus: the app remembers the user, so next time you load it, NOAA Radar will be ready to display radar for your location.


  • 平均谁来,男性在一当中给爱人送上三次意外惊喜礼物有近四分之一男士表示自己从来不会另一半意想不到的礼物。

    On average men treated their partners to three surprise gifts every year but a quarter of men say they never buy unexpected gifts for their other half.


  • 呆板且花费不菲的旅行路线中解放出来喜欢自由自在的旅行,去拥抱一些意外惊喜去享受旅程中的每一个瞬间

    Freed from a rigid, expense-laden 43 itinerary, I'm more likely to be spontaneous, embrace 44 serendipity and enjoy each moment of my journey.


  • 意外惊喜奖励这种情境中,他们同样得到上面那种情境下的奖励,不过关键一点,他们是在绘画活动结束之后告知情况的。

    Surprise reward. In this condition children would receive the same reward as above but, crucially, weren't told about it until after the drawing activity was finished.


  • Python标准发行版中的cgi模块对于任何 Python开发公共网关接口应用程序的人来说都意外惊喜

    Python's cgi module -- in the standard distribution -- is a godsend for anyone developing "Common Gateway Interface" applications in Python.


  • 反之假如原本不是目标顾客的人,都出乎意料地要你的产品倒是好好反思一下,是什么原因有了这样的意外惊喜呢?

    Conversely, if was not your target customers, not meaning to the material of your product, you is this to think, what is the reason for you to have such a surprise?


  • 沿途意外惊喜我们刚巧遇上诺克斯维尔举行的世界博览会甚至有幸目睹第一太空船卡那维尔角发射升空,永不忘记这个奇遇

    But there were also surprises. We stumbled onto the world's fair in Knoxville and even saw one of the first space shuttles take off from cape canaveral. I will never forget that wonderful adventure.


  • 用户可以始终保持登录状态,一旦包裹即将到达,便能随时收到通报(当然,他们可以只需要使用Slice软件时才登录避免打听的人破坏用户安排的意外惊喜。)

    Users can remain logged in at all times to be alerted of impending package arrivals. (They can also log in with each use to avoid prying eyes that might spoil gift surprises.)


  • 如果这场演出3第三NeilYoungCrazyHorse同一场演出,真是链接数据一个意外惊喜并且这场演出一定很棒

    If it's the same show as the one listed on the marquee for Neil Young and Crazy Horse in the third row in Figure 3, then it's a nice example of Linked Data serendipityand must have been quite a show.


  • 2009年的夏天,欧文经纪人了一份32页的简历所有英超俱乐部,只为推销欧文,各家俱乐部深思熟虑后斯托克城赫尔城对欧文有意向——不过最后曼联成了意外惊喜

    2009-present Owen's agents sent a 32-page brochure to every Premier League club and - after speculation linking him with Stoke and Hull - United were the surprise destination.


  • 不过随着纳斯达克综合指数反弹到1600点以上,我最后一次买进股票显示大幅上涨的势头(买进的时候纳斯达克综合指数1375点),那些早对消息见怪不怪的人来说,可能是个意外惊喜

    But it may come as a surprise to those conditioned by bad news to note that the last of these -- executed when the Nasdaq was at 1375 -- is now showing a substantial gain with the Nasdaq over 1600.


  • 一个意外惊喜在于,人们需求没有一些人预测那样快速增长

    Fortunately — and unexpectedly — the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predicted.


  • 无论发生什么,看起来都会使觉得愉快因为天王星和新月正处在比较友好角度这暗示着得知一个完全意外惊喜喜欢惊喜哦。

    Whatever occurs seems to delight you, as Uranus will be in friendly Angle to this moon, suggesting you will get news that comes as a complete surprise, and it's the kind of surprise you'll like.


  • 如果必须猜一下可能过度兴奋关系——包括我们体验意外惊喜大脑释放化学物质。

    If I had to guess, I would say that it probably has something to do with the euphoria - inducing chemicals that are released in our brains when we experience an unexpected, pleasant surprise.


  • 如果必须猜一下可能过度兴奋关系——包括我们体验意外惊喜大脑释放化学物质。

    If I had to guess, I would say that it probably has something to do with the euphoria - inducing chemicals that are released in our brains when we experience an unexpected, pleasant surprise.


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