However, if this trait puts you in too many compromising situations, makes you feel frustrated or disappointed in yourself for being treated like this, it may be time to abandon ship.
Because she's also under pressure, she wants to talk about her problems, which frustrates him even more.
You may be going through difficult times right now. You're discouraged because the situation you face seems unmanageable, unreasonable, or unfair.
As the original design is stretched in unexpected ways, it is not uncommon for developers to grow frustrated with their original code and initial design.
You're discouraged because the situation you face seems unmanageable, unreasonable, or unfair.
I'm not frustrated or stressed about my situation here, I'm perfectly relaxed about it.
Don't let the experts discourage you when you challenge the status quo. Like Mark Twain says, what's an expert anyway? Just some guy from out of town.
If at any stage you feel trying an assertive behaviour has not been a success because of somebody else's unexpected negative reaction, or that you somehow slipped in some way, don't lose heart.
I have discovered, and every time I feel the boundless future and get disheartened, just remember I long ago in a small cliff learned, I can cope with all the.
It may not seem much consolation to point out that the teacher, too, becomes frustrated when his efforts appear to produce less obvious results.
There are few things more frustrating than trying to change a style without result, only to find the designer put the overriding style in the header of the actual file.
There are few things more frustrating than trying to change a style without result, only to find the designer put the overriding style in the header of the actual file.