Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.
The Sensual World is perhaps the most changed of these tracks - it has not even retained its original title.
The 1976 film, in the Realm of the Senses, was based on this incident. [RottenTomatoes].
The cave represents the world of the senses, while the outside world stands for the world of abstract ideas.
The value of people is the witness of all the beautiful, sometimes "go slowly, enjoy the" than "the world of the senses" better.
Translated into English, "The Five Senses" has a sophisticated, comfortable atmosphere that really does provide an oasis for the senses.
Indeed, even in the individual this duality appears in the coexistence of the spiritual world and the world of the senses.
The problem with our sensory world - this "blooming, buzzing confusion" of sights, sounds and smells - is that we put so much faith in it.
As psychologists and neuroscientists have discovered over the past several decades, our consciousness provides a stable interface to a dizzyingly rich sensory world.
As psychologists and neuroscientists have discovered over the pastseveral decades, our consciousness provides a stable interface to adizzyingly rich sensory world.
As an object of experience, I belong to the sensible world. There my actions are determined by the laws of nature and by the regularities of cause and effect.
As an object of experience, I belong to the sensible world. There my actions are determined by the laws of nature and by the regularities of cause and effect.