• 们累了的时候,喝杯茶会感觉好一些

    When people are tired, they feel better after drinking a cup of tea.


  • 撒谎是为了让儿子感觉好一些,但却错过了一个给他上一堂人生课的机会。

    You lied to make your son feel better, but you missed a good chance to teach him a life lesson.


  • 品脱冰淇淋、抽了根烟、穿了一条牛仔裤之后感觉一些。”问问你自己这会感觉吗?

    "I'll feel better after I have a pint of ice cream, a cigarette and a new pair of jeans, " ask yourself, will it really make you feel better?


  • 越是照顾就越能自我感觉好一些

    The more she looks after me, the more she gets better...


  • 尽管不能解决家庭资金问题,但你发现一些措施会让感觉好一些

    But although you can't solve family money troubles, you may find that contributing in some way helps you feel better.


  • 一些减压方法,例如呼吸PMR可以需要用的时候马上会感觉好一些

    Some stress relievers, such as breathing exercises and PMR, can make you feel better on an as-needed basis.


  • 如果这个时侯感到灰心冷意,有没有什么方法自己自己感觉好一些

    If you're feeling disheartened, what are some strategies for making yourself feel better about yourself?


  • 为了帮助感觉好一些努力鼓励问题出来,而这不该做的

    To help him feel better she tries to encourage him to talk about the problem, which is the worst thing she can do.


  • 后来开始接受药物治疗楔形物上抬高肩膀感觉好一些了。

    Later, when I began to take medication and sleep on a wedge to elevate my head and shoulders, it got better.


  • 一些或许感觉他们梦境吓人,会引起焦虑他们宁愿过来感觉好一些

    Some folks might feel that their dreams are scary, anxiety-provoking and that they'd rather just wake up and feel fine again.


  • 纯粹一类关爱之情的表达能够安抚孩女,从而使孩女父母感觉好一些

    It is purely a loving gesture to soothe and comfort, to make both parent and child feel better.


  • 开始感觉好一些了,身子恢复过来了,再次起来,便又开始洗衣服了。

    She began to feel better, she became well, and as soon as she was able to stand on her feet once more, she resumed her washing.


  • 他们头脑远离了他们自己的念头他们感觉好一些然后称之为快乐幸福

    When their mind is taken away from their own thoughts, they feel better, and then call that pleasure and happiness.


  • 凯思琳能理解不过要是休息一会儿的话你感觉好一些的,哪怕只是一小会儿

    Cathleen: I understand that, but you'd feel better if you took a break, even for just a short while.


  • 虽然语言上去是空洞的,但是有人决意提供安慰这件事本身通常就会让我们感觉好一些了。

    While words themselves may ring hollow, having another person intent on providing comfort itself is often what makes us feel better.


  • 同时需要做几得不做另外几件事使自己感觉好一些至少避免再次跌入抑郁中。

    In the meantime, there are things you can do, as well as things you can avoid, to help yourself feel better, or at least keep from sinking deeper into depression.


  • 问题2探索的是情绪应对或者说,探索的是通过帮助自己感觉好一些平复情绪能力

    Question 2 explores emotional coping, or the ability to calm yourself down by helping yourself to feel better.


  • 谈论困扰事情可以感觉好一些,这抱怨治疗微妙的区别,后者助长不快乐

    While talking about what bothers you can help you feel better, there's a fine line between complaining being therapeutic and it fueling unhappiness.


  • 如果这个时侯感到心灰意冷,有没有什么方法自己感觉好一些重复伟大的!”

    If you're feeling disheartened, what are some strategies for making yourself feel better about yourself? It's pretty clear that repeating "I'm the greatest!"


  • 多年以后忽然发起了高烧家人带到河边去,那里凉风也许能感觉好一些

    Years later, Huang had a very bad fever. His family took him to the river bank where the cool breezes might make him feel more comfortable.


  • 领悟品格成长所带来永恒结果时,便减少向神安慰吧」(感觉一些);

    When you grasp the eternal consequences of your character development, you'll pray fewer "Comfort me' prayers ("Help me feel good") and more "Conform me" prayers ("Use this to make me more like you").


  • 一些可以使开怀一的事情。观赏最喜欢情景剧一些漫画使感觉好一些

    Do something that makes you smile. Watch your favorite sit-com or read the comics. Smiling make you feel better.


  • 女士们可能会不遗余力地自己伴侣分担自己担忧关注着的问题,因为她们看来交谈总是会感觉好一些

    Women may really push their partners to share pent-up worries and concerns because they hold expectations that talking makes people feel better.


  • 为了使自己的感觉好一些开始自己生活一小的调整,我将每天二十支的吸烟量尽量减少至每天近三四支。

    In an effect to feel better, I started to make small changes in my life andfrom 20 cigarettes a day to a mere three or four.


  • 打扫房间一些新的海报整理你电脑上的所有图标,尽管这些事情听上去都很无不足道,都会使感觉好一些的。

    Clean your room, get some new posters, clean up the ICONS on your PC desktop. As insignificant as cleaning up sounds, it'll make you feel better.


  • 我们来说这并不容易承诺我们自己的全力星期六比赛表现出来我们能够赢得比赛。因为这会球迷感觉好一些

    It wasn't easy for us but I promise we will give our best and show on Saturday that we can win because we know it will be good for the fans.


  • 我们来说这并不容易承诺我们自己的全力星期六比赛表现出来我们能够赢得比赛。因为这会球迷感觉好一些

    It wasn't easy for us but I promise we will give our best and show on Saturday that we can win because we know it will be good for the fans.


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