• 感觉好极了,”,“我感觉有了一个不一样身体,我的精力充足了,我变得更强壮了。”

    "I feel excellent," she says. "I feel like I have a different body, I have more energy, I'm stronger."


  • 感觉极了光滑纺织面料

    Smooth textile lining feels great on your feet.


  • 别人分享的时候,那种感觉好极了

    When someone shares with me, it feels good.


  • 感觉好极了每天2而不是建议3粒。

    I feel great, and I only take 2 pills a day instead of the recommended 3.


  • 感觉极了看来膝盖的毛病除掉了

    He says he's feeling like a million dollars now. Apparently the pain in his knee is all gone.


  • 如果不断感觉好极了那么这些穿过生命

    If you keep on saying you feel great, then those words have to come to pass in your life.


  • 冒险游戏营造了环境觉得英语感觉好极了”。

    When you play an adventure game, you are in a situation where knowing English makes you feel good.


  • 我们教育孩子输赢都无所谓但是平心而论,赢得感觉极了

    We tell our kids, it does't matter if you win or lose, but let's be honest, winning feels pretty great.


  • 苏珊起来感觉好极了请给了,现在折扣优惠吗?

    Susan: That smells great. I'll take one bottle, please. By the way, is there any discount?


  • 在莱斯特广场任意一家咖啡店,点一杯咖啡,朋友聊聊天感觉好极了

    Leicester Square is still the perfect place to catch an afternoon matinee followed by a cappucino and gossip in one of the many pavement cafes.


  • 每天都有进步使鼓舞每次解决一个难题,我感觉好极了

    I was encouraged by the progress I made every day, " Jia said. "I always feel good when I overcome a problem.


  • 感觉好极了,我正在勤奋工作,享受着壮丽风景千载难逢奇遇开始

    I am feeling great, working hard, & enjoying the magificent views, the adventure of a lifetime has begun!


  • 这样不仅不影响健康相反整体改善头发状况,感觉好极了

    Doing so did not harm my health; on the contrary, it improved the well being of my hair in general and made me feel great!


  • 如果知道高中同学会上成为最有人物感觉如何,那我高诉感觉好极了

    If you've ever wondered what it's like to be the most famous person at your high school reunion, it's awesome.


  • 我们球队多数情况下都成绩有时也打得特别——那时我们感觉极了

    Most years our team was not very good, but from time to time we played particularly wall, and then we felt great.


  • 不令奇怪,当田里时,感觉极了天天地开始感到更壮更健康

    This was not surprising up to the fields, I felt perfectly all right again and each day I began to feel stronger and healthier.


  • 下第一个男孩后,觉得当妈妈感觉好极了所以有时候后悔没有早点孩女

    Now that I have my first son I love being a mom so much that I occasionally regret not starting my family a little sooner.


  • 即将进入这个一直害怕人生阶段,我希望办法使自己不仅而且感觉好极了

    Since I will soon approach this what I always dreaded period of my life, I hope to encourage not only other women over 50 but myself to search for ways to not only look good but also feel great.


  • 如果看到我们工作使得我们数据中心有所改进节能降耗减少排放,感觉极了

    If you look at the way that our work has improved the performance of our data centers-saving energy, reducing cost, reducing the carbon footprint-it feels good.


  • 令人激动感觉害怕公开场合演讲我站起身来直接上台后,我感觉好极了

    Just jump! It's an exhilarating feeling. I fear public speaking, but when I get up and just do it, I feel great.


  • 的双变得红润,眼睛变得明亮精神提升了感觉极了所有这些都脸上显示出来

    Color comes to your cheeks, your eyes are brighter, your spirit is lifted, you feel good-and it all shows in your face.


  • 过后总会:“感觉极了。”句话犀利精辟,一语带过了任何因餍足而产生的歉意

    Afterward he always says: "I feel better"-- and this sums up vigorously any apology that might be made for satiety.


  • 鼠标左键控制射门或者键盘空格控制射门左右方向控制球员移动一蹴而就感觉极了

    Shooting the left mouse button control box or keyboard keys to control the shot and around key players control movement, achieved in a very good feeling.


  • 只老虎天早上醒来感觉好极了出去一只猴子逼到了角落,冲他咆哮,“丛林所有动物强大?”

    There was this tiger, who woke up one morning, and just felt great. He just felt so good, he went out and cornered a small monkey and roared at him: WHO IS THE MIGHTIEST OF ALL THE JUNGLE ANIMALS?


  • 感觉极了,可是等我们队伍前面的时候,登记员抬起头看着:“比尔,你怎么了,今天早上刚刚登记过了。”

    I thought I was doing pretty well until we got to the front of the line. The registrar looked up at me and said, Bill, what are you doing back here?


  • 巴菲特周一接受采访时说很久之前制定一项计划一部分我们已经制定美的接班计划……感觉好极了

    'This is part of a plan we put in place a long time ago, ' Buffett said in an interview on Monday. 'We've got the perfect succession plan…and I'm feeling terrific, too.


  • 可能著名,他的我感觉好极了,太了2008赛季团队在一起,佩他的成功是一美妙的事情。

    Probably most famous for his Peja heads and his terrific, terrific 2008 season with the team, Peja's jump shot and his success with it were both a thing of beauty.


  • 那种水下狂蝶腿,15米后领先别人个身位的感觉真是好极了

    It's a good feeling to be 15 meters into a race and have a body-length lead!


  • 那种水下狂蝶腿,15米后领先别人个身位的感觉真是好极了

    It's a good feeling to be 15 meters into a race and have a body-length lead!


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