And it will increase charitable contributions for nutrition programs.
Leo makes charitable donations on behalf of their loved ones.
Say yes to giving a charitable donation at your local merchant when asked (give one more time than you had planned to give).
This Orphanage relies upon charitable donations to operate and care for the kids.
In 2007 our charitable donations were more than 6 million RMB.
Say yes to giving a charitable donation at your local merchant when asked.
No apportionment is allowed for donations, and it is prohibited to carry out profitable activities in the name of charitable donation.
Even during the recession, a clear majority of Britons were making charitable donations.
You're also going to see more and more so-called embedded giving, which inserts a charitable donation into a commercial transaction.
Malenotti said typically Belstaff contributes between 10-20 percent of the retail price to support charities.
Last year, there was an unprecedented public enthusiasm for charitable donations after the Sichuan earthquake.
He relies on charitable giving especially from women, and he's clearly at ease in the company of affluent people.
This is the type of giving that led to Michael being listed under the entry "Most Charities Supported By a Pop Star" in the year 2000 Guiness Book of World Records.
比起没有标注慈善捐助的销售方式来,即使价格高出2%,被购买的几率仍然高出 20%。
It's nearly 20% more likely to sell than its noncharity twin and at a price that's about 2% higher.
The rules in America, when companies are expected to provide $ 500 million for charities this year, are considerably more generous.
Sadly, in Britain, news of philanthropy often invites the response of scepticism if not cynicism.
Decentralized private charitable giving can be encouraged through the tax system even without an estate tax, as long as charitable contributions can be generously deducted from income taxes.
"There are still serious doubts if philanthropic donations could be put to good use, as intended," an invitee told me two days ahead of the dinner date.
Others donate to food drives, work at food warehouses or deliver groceries to soup kitchens, churches and other charitable groups.
According to a recent study by the women's Philanthropy Institute at the University of Indiana, women are as much as 40% more likely to donate than men.
Financial support for news reporting now comes not only from advertisers and subscribers but also from foundations, philanthropists, universities and citizen donors.
Usually charitable donations from corporations are spontaneous, but corporate foundations can secure more steady donations through the systematic use of the corporation's charitable funds.
But many of the donors whom museums and galleries want to attract can choose where to live, pay taxes and donate: there is a global market for philanthropists.
SWEDOW (Stuff WE DOn't Want) refers to unnecessary or inappropriate items donated to a charity organization or relief effort.
SWEDOW (Stuff WE DOn't Want) refers to unnecessary or inappropriate items donated to a charity organization or relief effort.