Certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes, require special diets that should be monitored by your physician.
Not only does slumping over your keyboard give you chronic backache and make you look slovenly, but it also increases your risk of heart disease.
Study the relationship between allergic skin diseases and allergen in 3 kind of chronic urticaria, chronic eczema and dermographism.
Unlike the other three types of leukemia, some patients with CLL may have disease that does not progress for a long time.
Raised body mass index is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Not only does slumping over your keyboard give you chronic backache and make you look slovenly, it also increases your risk of heart disease, says The Journal of Neuroscience.
"You have to adopt a chronic disease model with these children, like those with diabetes," said Stubbe.
“You have to adopt a chronic disease model with these children, like those with diabetes, ” said Stubbe.
But high hemoglobin levels have been linked to complications such as hypertension and chronic mountain sickness, Simonson said.
The final 20 per cent were "escapers", who hit their century with no sign of the most common chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and stroke.
These two stories are the latest in the series "face to face with chronic disease" focusing on people living with heart disease, stroke, cancer and other chronic diseases.
Research shows that eating peanuts can decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions.
Shedding the pounds is also a powerful way to combat other chronic diseases associated with extra weight such as hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.
Schistosomiasis is a chronic, parasitic disease caused by blood flukes (trematode worms) of the genus Schistosoma.
I try to set them at ease with a clinical approach, just as I do with chronic health conditions such as diabetes or blood pressure.
But patients actually know a great deal about many diseases, especially chronic ones like diabetes and heart problems with which they often live for many years.
These lifestyle changes are directly linked to obesity and the rise of chronic conditions like heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and diabetes.
Manage chronic conditions. If you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, follow your doctor's treatment recommendations. If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control.
That's an important oversight, since undiagnosed depression is linked to higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions, plus suicide.
Chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease, so keeping inflammation under control is a major part of preventive treatment.
It is important to provide optimal healthcare for patients with chronic ailments such as, diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma while keeping the costs down.
Continuity of care is then in turn disrupted, including for chronic diseases like HIV and tuberculosis.
This year's observance centers on the relationship between mental health and chronic physical conditions like diabetes and cancer.
By 2003, Hedrick and Calhoun were pushing ahead with research on using their stem cells to repair hearts damaged by heart attack or chronic disease.
For a start, the oldest old have very low rates of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and stroke.
Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by parasitic worms.
We will strengthen the prevention, control and standardized management of major communicable diseases as well as chronic, occupational, endemic and mental illnesses.
This is the rise of chronic noncommunicable diseases, like cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease.
This is the rise of chronic noncommunicable diseases, like cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease.