• 这本的英译本去年出版,就成为畅销书

    The book, which was published in English last year, became a best seller, and conservatives worldwide use its ideas to justify inaction on such issues as deforestation and global warming.


  • 一旦出版这本成为畅销书

    Once printed, this book will be a best-seller.


  • 无意自夸只是觉得那本新书有可能成为畅销书

    I don't want to sound conceited, but I think my new book might be a bestseller.


  • 因为奥普拉就是那种随便说说就可以本书轻易成为畅销书

    Because Oprah is the kind of person who can turn a book into a runaway bestseller just by saying so.


  • 不想让人觉得我自以为了不起,不过觉得我的新书可能成为畅销书

    I don't want to sound vain, but I think my new book might be a best-seller.


  • 普拉最近的读书俱乐部选择了使托尔斯泰经典再次成为畅销书负责。

    Oprah Winfrey was recently responsible for making Tolstoy's classic a bestseller again when she chose it for her bookclub. LA


  • 旅游记录,《兔犬号航海记》,立刻成为畅销书,直到现在仍然同类中的经典

    He wrote a travelogue, "the Voyage of the Beagle," that was an immediate best seller and remains a classic of its kind.


  • 这部小说辛辣、谨慎忧郁,成为畅销书赢得普利——该奖首次颁发给一位女性

    Poignant, measured and wistful, it was a bestseller and won the Pulitzer prize - the first to be awarded to a woman. Ph.


  • 目标不一定要宏大惊人比如成为大富豪,建立遍布全国连锁集团成为畅销书作家

    The aim need not be anything very startling like making a fortune, or establishing a nation-wide chain of business, or writing a best-seller.


  • 答:没想到时间简史成为畅销书第一受大众欢迎书籍引起了人们极大兴趣

    A. I had not expected a Brief History of Time to be a best seller. It was my first popular book and aroused a great deal of interest.


  • 一位营养学家所指南凯莉安博士饮食成为畅销书,多主打汤类的商店餐馆开始出现大城市

    Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet, a guide book written by a nutritionist, became a bestseller, and several soup-focused stores and restaurants began popping up in major cities.


  • 一位营养学家指南凯莉安博士饮食成为畅销书,多主打汤类的商店餐馆开始出现大城市

    Dr.. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet, a guide book written by a nutritionist, became a bestseller, and several soup-focused stores and restaurants began popping up in major cities.


  • 弗朗兹-奥利维埃-吉斯贝尔希拉克过去任职20作出了最精辟记录:《希拉克的悲剧》(La Tragédiedu Président),这本书已经连续数月成为畅销书

    Franz-Olivier Giesbert's trenchant account of Mr Chirac's past 20 years, “La Tragédie du Président”, has been a bestseller for months.


  • 小说成为欧洲美国拉丁美洲澳大利亚畅销书翻译成至少27种文字

    Her novels have been bestsellers in Europe, the United States, Latin America and Australia, and been translated into more than 27 languages.


  • 即使这本书真的成为畅销书贝当女士不能拿走全部收益据说前夫计划法庭要求获得一半收益

    Even if it does become a best-seller, however, Ms Betancourt may not reap all the rewards: her ex-husband is reportedly planning to Sue for half the proceeds.


  • 就像上面提到凯文·j·安德森文章证实的那样,没有成为一个畅销书作家或是奥运会选手

    As the Kevin J. Anderson article I mentioned above demonstrates, you don't just become a best-selling author or an Olympic athlete.


  • 1988年最佳畅销书时间简史》中,霍金写道:“如果我们发现了一个完整的理论成为人类理性终极胜利从此我们应当就可以了解上帝思想”。

    Writing in his bestseller A Brief History Of Time in 1988, he said: "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should know the mind of God.


  • 横穿阿富汗,将自己的经历写成了书,并成为畅销书

    He also walked across Afghanistan and wrote a bestseller about the experience.


  • 事关文化生活因为大部分文学小说严肃的非小说作品都属于畅销书,其中大部分出版以后成为浪费

    This matters for cultural life, because most literary fiction and serious non-fiction falls into that bracket and much of it could become uneconomical to publish.


  • 其中此后出人意料地大举成名芝加哥大学史蒂芬·列维特由于与人合著魔鬼经济学》而成为家喻户晓名字那本书是2005年出版畅销书

    One has since achieved even greater fame than anticipated. Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago became a household name as co-author of “Freakonomics”, a bestselling book published in 2005.


  • 他们的发现马上成为电视头条新闻、国家地理杂志封面以及畅销书主角。

    Their discovery made television headlines, the cover of National Geographic, and was the subject of a bestselling book.


  • 的自传流氓月亮:流氓之女的回忆》成为畅销书

    She has written a best-selling autobiography called Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter.


  • 同时成为畅销书作家媒体红人,经常电视广播节目大家公认行家

    He is now a best-selling author, appears on TV shows, has a satellite radio show, and is considered one of the leading experts on social media.


  • 这本自助书于2009年出版,短时间内击败了《光之城》作者斯蒂芬妮·梅尔,取代其成为美国畅销书排行榜榜首

    Published in 2009, it briefly bumped Twilight author Stephenie Meyer from the top of the US bestseller list.


  • 事实上我们天生自己性别决定理论非常受欢迎,有关这一主题——《男人来自火星女人来自金星》成为全球畅销书

    Indeed, the theory that we are all hard-wired by our gender has proved so popular that a book on the subject, men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, became an international best-seller.


  • 一方面来说,同时又出版一百本书其中四十六成为国内或是国际上的畅销书,我的书架上堆满了各种奖项,作品三十种语言

    On the other hand, I also have 100 books published, 46 of which have been national or international bestsellers, I've got a shelf full of awards, and my work has been translated into 30 languages.


  • 一方面来说,同时又出版一百本书其中四十六成为国内或是国际上的畅销书,我的书架上堆满了各种奖项,作品三十种语言

    On the other hand, I also have 100 books published, 46 of which have been national or international bestsellers, I've got a shelf full of awards, and my work has been translated into 30 languages.


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