• 故事主题孩子们成长以及变得成熟稳重有关。

    The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious .


  • 所以认为那些所谓成熟稳重商业背景的家伙们得到过高的估计。

    So I think people who are mature and experienced, with a business background, may be overrated.


  • 故事主题孩子们成长以及他们变得更加成熟稳重有关。

    The thems of the story — — — — children growing up and becoming more serious.


  • 我们需要成熟稳重守时工作勤快适应快速工作氛围

    We are looking for people that are mature, punctual, able to keep up with the fast paced work environment and hard-working.


  • 一个心地善良成熟稳重积极进取风趣幽默的中国人。

    I am a goodness, ripeness, steady-going, up-and-coming, humour's chinese-man.


  • 乔布斯成熟稳重商业背景来管理公司结果差点了它。

    Steve Jobs got booted out of his own company by someone mature and experienced, with a business background, who then proceeded to ruin the company.


  • 不错的,成熟稳重幽默不失严谨唯一缺点就是他不爱

    He is a nice, mature, humor and do not break is rigorous, the only downside is that he doesn't love you.


  • 希望一个成熟稳重心地善良有事业心男子共同创造美好未来

    Want to find a mature and stable, good-hearted, enterprising man , and jointly create a better future.


  • 使灰心中学生成为了一个成熟稳重热情敢于承担责任青年

    I've grown up from a frustrated middle school student to a mature, steady, enthusiastic and responsible young man.


  • 沟通能力以客户满意为导向成熟稳重开朗勤奋愿意和适应频繁出差

    Very strong communication skill, customer satisfaction-oriented, mature, open-minded, hardworking, Willing to travel frequently.


  • 大学学习四年的工作经验成熟稳重目标明确处理事情高效

    Four years of college and four years work experience, let me clear aim, mature, high efficiency to deal with things.


  • 有过失意婚姻,希望找到缘份,携手一生。希望你性格开朗,成熟稳重

    Had a failure marriage. Hope that I am lucky and find my love at here. I hope you are honest, look forward to taking hands with you.


  • 相比之下,卡梅伦公投问题上的立场不仅合情合理,同时显得成熟稳重:比起疯狂,食言要好得多。

    By contrast, his new position on referendums is sensible and mature: even a climb-down is preferable to madness.


  • 我们采用成熟信息门户网站惯用简约网站整体色调统一条理清晰,成熟稳重,简约适用。

    We use sophisticated information portal usual simple, unified website overall tone, the clarity, mature, simple and applicable.


  • 需要因为生命已经无法把你割舍,才是成熟稳重内敛的男人女人一辈子依靠

    He needs you, because have already canned not cut off you in his life, this is the mature and responsible astringent man, the woman depends on during a lifetime!


  • 希望未来老公一个:性格开朗,幽默风趣成熟稳重事业心,家庭责任感疼爱老婆的人。

    I hope my future husband is: open-minded, humorous, mature; have responsibility for family and career; he must care for his wife.


  • 我们校园的钟声初入校门的幼稚无知走现在成熟稳重似乎经历人生蜕变生活的飞跃。

    We grew to maturity from those days when we firstly came in the campus gate to now. it seems that we have experienced a transformation in life and a leap in livelihood.


  • 希望寻找一个责任心、心地善良成熟稳重可靠的男士,而且希望工作认真负责,善待家人朋友

    I'm looking for someone who is responsible and kind hearted, mature and reliable, hard working and CARES about his family and friends.


  • 每次BOBO回家,能深深感受到你巨大变化,你不但变得成熟稳重彬彬有礼,还学到了一身本领

    Every time when we picked you up from BOBO, we were pleased by the extraordinary changes happened to you. You not only became mature and good-mannered, but equipped with lots of skills.


  • 由于工作原因生活圈子固定现在看到朋友幸福生活,一位成熟稳重伴侣一起创造幸福生活。

    As a result of the work of reason, the circle of my life is too fixed, and now see the well-being of friends, I also want to find a mature and stable partner to create a happy life together.


  • 具有快速应对解决困难能力成熟稳重承受较强的工作压力高压状态下迅速解决困难完成计划目标

    Rapid response and the problem-solving abilities, mature poise, can withstand strong pressure, and in a state of high pressure quickly resolve difficulties and the planned targets.


  • 人的一生漫长呱呱落地的青年成熟稳重的中年到两鬓苍苍的老年,有没有经历困难挫折,有谁没有经历过伤心痛苦

    Life is a long way you go, from youth to midlife and agedness. Anyone else does not through difficulty and frustration, grief and pain? None the aspersions of rain, no beauty of the rainbow.


  • 此款套装采用格子面料领子下摆周边采用净色毛料呢,上衣六个钮扣设计,下装破开接净色的毛料呢,成熟稳重适合白领阶层人士。

    This tweed suiting is perfect for mature white-collar workers. Plaid wool fabric with net-colored wool around the collar and hem. Six buttons on the top; net-colored wool added in front of the skirt.


  • 希望回到大家身边不仅仅一个健康,希望回到大家身边的是一个更加成熟稳重飞行道路能够兄弟互相帮助,共同进步的我。

    This time I wish it is not only come back a healthy me, but it also come back a much more sophisticated guy which can help each other with all the brothers in our way of flight. Thanks your guys.


  • 此时此刻,唯一不同了一年前时的份“初生牛犊不怕虎”的气势,一份成熟稳重使可以更清楚地看到自己真实的位置

    But at the moment, there is one thing different, that is, I have got less 'bravery' than a year before, but more calm and ripeness, which can just make me see clearly my real position.


  • 此时此刻,唯一不同了一年前时的份“初生牛犊不怕虎”的气势,一份成熟稳重使可以更清楚地看到自己真实的位置

    But at the moment, there is one thing different, that is, I have got less 'bravery' than a year before, but more calm and ripeness, which can just make me see clearly my real position.


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