• 一个大学同学哈格洛杉矶成立公司

    So my collage roommate Huggus who I started this company in la with.


  • 肯定成立公司时候你们这个瓶子一半是满的。

    And I guarantee you when you start a company, you will say this bottle is half-full.


  • 1969年,贾迪成立公司,创造这种风靡全球舞蹈。

    Judi Sheppard Missett founded the company in 1969 and the dance-based classes are still popular across the world.


  • 注册成立公司一种帮助有钱人保护他们离岸资产方法

    Another method by which the wealthy can squirrel some of their assets offshore is by setting up a company.


  • 成立公司组织目的平凡做出平凡贡献

    The establishment of the company, the purpose of the organization is to make ordinary people to make extraordinary contributions.


  • 按照法律程序正式成立公司之前他们一道起草商业计划

    They drafted a business plan together before legally formalizing their venture.


  • EndoStim最近访问圣路易斯州时介绍我的一家新成立公司

    EndoStim is a little start-up I was introduced to on a recent visit to St. Louis.


  • 第一次成立公司失去家人时,那深深伤害了,我感到罪恶感

    When I lost my family's money in my first startup that hurt me pushingly I felt guilty that I take their money and lost it.


  • 暗黑之门:伦敦,则是成立公司第一最近也谣传被偷源代码

    Hellgate: London, the first project by the developer and his new studio, has made headlines recently over a rumored theft of its source code.


  • 公司设立是一种兼具民事行政双重性质的法律行为,以成立公司目标指向

    The act of incorporating a company owns a dual nature of both civil and administrative legal acts, and its target point is to register the company.


  • 不要企图所有帮助成立公司的人都发放一些股权即便这么做能让你感受到合伙的快乐。

    Don't be tempted to dole out equity to everyone who helps you found the company--even it makes you feel good to have co-founders.


  • 只要资金到位,房子没有问题,一般我们都可成立公司之后,马上就获得一般纳税人资格。

    If registration capital transfer competed and the office is ok, in the ordinary course of event, we could get this rights after WFOE company set up immediately.


  • 履行执行签署确认完善所有这些成立公司所需相关事务,如契约协议法令等。

    You are to perform, execute, sign, acknowledge and perfect all such deeds, agreements, ACTS and things as shall be required or in relation to the establishment of the company.


  • 我们成立公司的时候,公司里还没有一个头衔因为我们实在太小了。”回忆道。

    "When we first started the company, I didn't have a title because we were very small," he remembers.


  • 如果最终版本沃尔克规则禁止银行对冲基金投入如此规模的资金那新成立公司潜在投资者将会少。

    If the final version of Volcker prevents Banks from investing as much capital in hedge funds, start-ups may have fewer potential backers.


  • 摩根大通中国高管方方中国本地成立公司有助于显示公司成为本地银行界一份子,并监管层加强合作的意愿。

    Local incorporation 'helps show that we want to be a local player, that we want to work more closely with the local regulator,' said Fang Fang, J.P. Morgan's top executive in China.


  • 一个亚洲基金老板悔恨承认,他公司日本板块为了逃避日本40%惩罚性税率不得不开曼群岛成立公司

    The boss of a large Asian fund ruefully admits that its Japan unit is incorporated in the Cayman Islands to escape the country's punishing 40% tax rate.


  • 大多数认为年轻特许经营小型初创企业这个类别中通常有三种类型企业其中包括终于决定开始特许经营的成立公司

    Most people think of young franchises as small start-ups, but there are typically three types of businesses in this category, including established companies that have finally decided to franchise.


  • 最近来自一家会计公司坎贝尔·达拉斯做调查显示2009年,阿伯唯一成立公司的数量失去英国城市中的其中个。

    A recent survey by Campbell Dallas, an accounting firm, found that Aberdeen was one of only two British cities in 2009 to create more new companies than it lost.


  • 成千上万家成立公司涌入电脑市场

    Thousands and thousands of startup firms have poured into the computer market.


  • 说明中国活力实例便是上海11秒钟就有一家公司成立

    An illustration of China's dynamism is that a new company is formed in Shanghai every 11 seconds.


  • 2006年,联合国世界粮食计划署WFP支持下国际邮政包裹递送公司TNT成立星空联盟。

    North Star was founded in 2006 by the international post and parcel delivery company TNT, with support from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).


  • 除非今年成立公司数量达到创纪录水平,Derderia不会打破创造就业机会纪录

    Unless a record number of companies start up this year, Derderia will not break its record for new jobs created.


  • 公司上周广州成立一家对半持股的合资企业推出了

    The two companies launched Lipton's iced tea in Guangzhou last week in a 50-50 venture.


  • 公司上周广州成立一家对半持股的合资企业推出了

    The two companies launched Lipton's iced tea in Guangzhou last week in a 50-50 venture.


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