• 一直以为长大了,懂事了可是事实证明成熟

    I always thought that I grew older and wiser. But, the fact proved that I was not mature!


  • 知道多久一直以为不会有机会再见到

    I didn't know how long she had waited for me. I thought all along I would never see her again.


  • 一直以为宝贝一个坚强,啥全部无所谓潇洒青年

    I always thought that my baby is a very strong, it does not matter what the chic young people.


  • 一直以为一位创造性强,容易相处,慷慨大方,溺爱自己儿子父亲

    I used to see myself as this creative, nice, selfless, awesome dad who dotes on his three year old son.


  • 以前,一直以为初恋描写那般浪漫开场看来没有机会了。

    Until then, I always thought my first love would be as romantic as described in the book to the opening, it appears that no other chance.


  • 说真的一直以为自己是个特别粗俗这个社会上的种种看透了

    Frankly speaking, I always consider myself as a vulgar and corse person. I think I have seen through this society.


  • 一直以为一直,这么多年以来我一直以为无法忘记没有能够替代

    I thought I will always love him, But now my heart is in the shake, I do not know whether I still love him, or simply because he can not forget habits.


  • 4点55这个事实中回过神来:什么都没有,那些一直以为拥有的,都消失了。

    By five minutes to five, I had moved past the fact that everything I thought I had on paper was gone.


  • 无法想像有多丧气我一直以为的努力付出得到同等的回报,直到碰到无形的障碍。

    Louisa:You can' t imagine how frustrated I am. I always thought my dedication to work would be rewarded accordingly until I hit the glass ceiling.


  • 其实一直以为不会计较任何事情可是发现半年好像改变很多真的很多。

    In fact, I always thought that I would not care about anything a person, but I found I like this six months to change a lot, really a lot.


  • 首先非常抱歉过去数个月一直以为马上回来的话时间刚刚通过了永远无法由于无休止的意外中断

    First very sorry for the past months... I always thought I'd be back soon, then time just passed and I was never be able to, due to endless unexpected interrupts.


  • 一直以为已经生活得很努力理所应当享受周遭的诱惑以为有这个权利,金钱名誉都没有耗费长的时间就获得了。

    I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. "I felt I was entitled thanks to money and fame."


  • 从没容,虽然人们一直以为做过鼻子整形术。

    I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job.


  • 几天来,一直都有臭味,起先以为那股鱼腥味的幻觉,可是味道越来越明显

    It had stunk for several days, and at first, I'd thought I was imagining the fishy odor, but it had become more pronounced.


  • :“新桥众议院多次看到幅画一直以为是沃尔特·罗利”,“这真是一个了不起发现。”

    "I have seen the painting several times in the Red Drawing Room at Newbridge House, and it was always thought to be Walter Raleigh," he said. "it is an amazing discovery."


  • 多年来韦布一直朋友打高尔夫球伙伴以为很了解

    Webb and I had been friends and golfing partners for years, and I thought I knew him well.


  • 几个一直头疼的折磨,以为可能眼病高血压别的更严重病引起的。

    A few months ago, I suffered from severe headaches. I thought they were caused by eye problems, high blood pressure or something worse.


  • 他们因为个“放弃信仰者”、南方白人新教教徒,可能会影响他们自以为一直忠心于他们的选民。

    They also hated me because I was an apostate, a white southern Protestant who could appeal to the very people they had always taken for granted.


  • 以为这个世界上一直时间拍摄照片只有最后一刻才意识离开现场。

    I thought I had all the time in the world to make the picture, and only at the last moment realized I was about to be taken out.


  • 起先以为已经失去机会了,因为面谈之后一直听到公司方面的回音。

    I thought I had lost out because I didn't hear from the company after my interview.


  • 就此探根问底之前一直以为这个含义跟瘾君子手臂上注射痕迹有关

    Before I looked this up I had always assumed that the tracks in an addict's arm were the source for the title.


  • 一直错误以为他们是这次冲突之后才来到这里,但通过他们对以色列攻击还有空袭的描述才知道他们战前就已经来到这里了。

    I mistakenly believe that they come from the recent conflict. I am informed that they pre-date the war - describing the experience of Israeli military incursions and air strikes.


  • 几天来,一直都有臭味,起先,以为那股鱼腥味的幻觉,可是味道越来越明显

    It had stunk for several days, and at first I'd thought I was imagining the fishy odor, but it had become more pronounced.


  • 直到课程开始一直以为登高练习将会成为课程内容的一部分

    Up until my class began, I was under the impression that I would do a lot of climbing as part of my rock climbing class.


  • 直到课程开始一直以为登高练习将会成为课程内容的一部分

    Up until my class began, I was under the impression that I would do a lot of climbing as part of my rock climbing class.


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