I personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean.
I've heard a lot about you, Sir, now I finally have the change to meet you in person.
I personally assure you by the end of this day you won't be recognizable even to your own mother.
I have been myself to the best engraver of the Palais Royal, who did the plate in my presence.
I'll fetch a surgeon for you now, myself: you'll be able to be removed by morning, I hope.
"It would have seemed arrogant beyond belief to have suggested it myself, but it was wonderful for me," he says.
Well, this is most unsatisfactory. I booked the room myself a week ago. I want to see the manager, please.
Not trusting anyone else to do a good job, I got up on a ladder to paste them up myself. My hands are still numb with cold .
几个月前我亲自测试了MyFord Touch系统,结果总体上还不错。
I tested MyFord Touch a few months ago with generally good results.
I also thought to myself, Well... that was easier than I thought. I intended for the creation of a certain product, and here it is. I didn't even have to record it.
I actually took them to the post myself and sent them airmail so I am certain there was no delay at this end.
I make all my own baby food, so I needed a food storage system that worked for us - and these are perfect!
This technique can be used in many different situations, and I have personally used it in TV commercials and many of my personal projects for fun.
Believe me, after researching and using many other types of detectors, I have personally confirmed that this is the best performing production unit sold to the public!
I've personally remixed this series with energetic music and motivating interludes so that you can quickly and effectively conquer the English language.
"I personally looked at the reports, I looked at the video evidence, and there is nothing in there really against Cesc," said Wenger.
What's even better, my application will auto scale to four instances in the case of a traffic spike, with a load balancer in front that I didn't have to configure.
I directed the episode that her character appears in personally, because I felt pretty strongly about the way the Death Watch needed to be portrayed in it.
I myself ploughed and sowed and reaped, and was bored doing it, and frowned with disgust, like a village cat driven by hunger to eat cucumbers in the kitchen-garden.
I'd known about it for years, but when it came time to test it in real life, I have to admit that I used my left hand, the one I'd miss less.
If I went to Lago Agrio as myself and pretended to write a story, no one would suspect that the starry-eyed young American poking around was actually shilling for Chevron.
"I feel really close to them even if I'm not seeing them in person, but I still think there's no substitute for seeing them in person," he said.
I myself installed Windows XP, which was already outdated but still widely used, and also used in our college.
I myself installed Windows XP, which was already outdated but still widely used, and also used in our college.