The manager showed us to our 'luxury apartment', in inverted commas.
The ancient Greeks believed that what we called the solar system was in fact the entire universe, and that the universe was geocentric.
You will always, always have to work with what we call "a right- handed coordinate system."
What we called realism turned out to be a way of avoiding things rather than facing them.
“There are close to half a billion people living in what we call fragile states,” Sundberg says.
"This is what we'd call an 'unusual mortality event,'" Kelley added.
These all can have neurological consequences that correspond to what we think of as addiction.
It would make them realize that we're meant to be active fathers and participate in the care of our offspring.
Are we talking small daily pleasures or a sustainable mindset?
It can also combine with hydrogen to form hydrocarbons, which are what we call fossil fuels.
Our so-called buyer wants to know if we've got written evidence of permission for the kerb outside our house to be lowered.
To celebrate what could be called the Wagon Renaissance, we're running down 12 wagons we love.
One of the more attractive oddities of the United States is that our minorities are so numerous, so huge.
To celebrate what could be called the wagon Renaissance, we're running down 12 wagons we love. We know we've left off something you vehemently believe should be on the list.
First, our so called soccer phenom had not even mastered the simplest of soccer skills.
This is what we call living - gaining and losing a battle, and the endless pursuit of pleasure.
这就是我们所谓的业务中的 “胆固醇”,即导致业务堵塞的移动缓慢的机器零件。
This is what we call the cholesterol in the business--the slower moving parts of the machine that cause the business to clog.
I'm not a big believer in "trends" in Web design as such. For me, in Web design the patterns are rarely widespread enough to be what we could call "trends."
Net Income Available to Shareholders And here we are - the bottom line. After all expenses and dividend, this is the final net figure.
It is the ideal condition of the 'equal start' which only our most progressive forms of modern education try to regain.
The sun is relatively young, part of a generation of stars known as Population I, which are relatively rich in elements heavier than helium.
Determinism says, that you don't really choose anything, that whatyou call choices, are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions or stimuli.
We probably didn’t know that the long-run beneficiaries were going to be these poor countries. . . . In fact, they were countries that we called ‘backward.’
But when it is in line become nano and we call this one layer, and this is called one layer, and these are called nano layers.
我们所谓的中立态度其实暗含了一种隐秘的蔑视,一种“let - them - burn”的态度。
What we think of as neutrality hides a quiet contempt, a let-them-burn attitude.
Much of what we call 'income,' in the true sense of adding value from economic activity, is actually depletion instead, or the running down of natural capital, 'he wrote.
Where Hegel had believed in an absolute truth to be revealed in the course of history, Nietzsche believed that which we call ‘truth’ to be nothing but our “irrefutable errors.
Where Hegel had believed in an absolute truth to be revealed in the course of history, Nietzsche believed that which we call ‘truth’ to be nothing but our “irrefutable errors.