• 晚饭家庭作业然后上网一些音乐

    After supper I do my homework, then I surf the Internet and listen to some music.


  • 每天晚上白天到了什么辅导家庭作业

    Every night She asks me what I have learnt during the day, and helps me with my homework.


  • 回来父亲经常一些阅读母亲电视家庭作业

    After we come back, my father often does some reading, mother watches TV and I do my homework.


  • 每天8学校每天下午朋友们玩,然后我做家庭作业

    I go to school at 8, and every afternoon, I play with my friends and then I do my home work.


  • 什么时候上学每天8去学校,每天下午朋友们然后家庭作业

    When do you go to school? I go to school at 8, and every afternoon, I play with my friends and then I do my home work.


  • 确实没有正确轨道,她试图催促家庭作业适当更努力地学习看电视

    She did blame me when I wasn't on the right track, she tried to urged me to do my homework properly and study harder when I was in front of the TV... Even thought it's a bit harsh.


  • 然而善于学习所以不仅帮助家庭作业告诉努力工作,以便尽快赶上别人

    However, I am not good at studying, so he not only helps me with my homework about every subject but also tells me to work hard in order that I can catch up with others as soon as possible.


  • 开始家庭作业之前朋友聊了一会。

    My friends and I chatted for a while before I started my homework.


  • 总是星期天早晨家庭作业在星期天下午通常帮助母亲一些家务事

    I always do my homework on Sunday morning. I usually help my mother do some housework on Sunday afternoon.


  • 高中时光上的许多个晚上爸爸坐在一起,辅导数学家庭作业

    Many nights during my high school years, my dad sat down with me to help me with my math homework.


  • 每天都家庭作业弟弟学习很努力

    I do my homework every day. My brother does his homework every day, too. He works hard.


  • 第二家庭作业仔细按时如果这样编写一个一整篇文章3。 。

    Second, I will do my homework carefully and hand it in on time. If I don't do that, I will write a whole article 3 times.


  • 当然每天一个两个小时家庭作业

    Of course I will keep studying for one or two hours every day and do my homework well.


  • 每周至少两次舞,因为工作日时候白天上课晚上家庭作业

    I would dance at least twice a week, because I have to attend class in the day time and do homework at night on weekday.


  • 女儿抽烟家庭作业脚搁面前长凳,计算器嗒嗒地跳出几何题的答案,看。

    My daughter smokes. While she is doing her homework, her feet on the bench in front of her and her.


  • 上周末星期六早上6起床30岁早饭后,在家家庭作业

    Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 6; 30. After breakfast I did my homework at home.


  • 基米艾米出来吗?艾米:了,必须留在家里,爸爸家庭作业

    Jimmy: Hey, Amy, aren't you coming out to play? Amy: No, I have to stay in and help my father with my homework.


  • 每天回家第一件事情就是家庭作业希望老师可以布置家庭作业

    Every day when I get home, the first thing is doing my homework, I wish the teachers could give us less homework.


  • 吧,卡门。回来午餐时,一起吧,还可以教你。现在去改正你的家庭作业,你一定不能班里落后呀!

    Go and start your work carmen. when I get back for lunch you come and eat with me and I '11give you a lesson. now go and revise your homework. you must not fall back in class.


  • 上周末星期六上午6点半起床早饭在家家庭作业

    Last weekend, On Saturday morning I got up at 6; 30. After breakfast I did my homework at home.


  • 因此,回到刚刚举的例子,很幸运无拘无束的孩子这里的意思是孩子在成长时,家长公平的自由。对于这些使终在学校总是家庭作业额外的课程没有时间休息和的孩子,如果们说笑可以叫他良种孩。

    Compare this to others who are always at school, always doing homework or going to extra lessons and never have any time to be free or to playif we wanted to joke we could call them 'battery kids'.


  • 小时侯记得一个家庭作业即写所感激的事情》。

    When I was younger, I remember receiving the inevitable homework assignment to write an essay on "something I Am Thankful For."


  • 小时侯记得一个家庭作业即写所感激的事情》。

    When I was younger, I remember receiving the inevitable homework assignment to write an essay on "something I Am Thankful For."


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