• Barbara那样文雅的说话,有时没有稿因为内心声音告诉应该是很自然的。

    I was trying to sound elegant like Barbara. And sometimes I didn't read my copy, because something inside me said, this should be spontaneous.


  • 一个决定源自内心声音所做的每错误决定,都是因为没有倾听自己内在那个更大声音

    Every right decision I've made-every right decision I've ever made-has come from my gut. And every wrong decision I've ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.


  • 假设个你认识在同一个房间里,你内心的声音会说“这个聊聊天”——大多数人都会遇到的情况。

    Suppose you are in a room with someone you don't know and something within you says "I want to talk with this person" — this is something that mostly happens with all of us.


  • 自己录音时真的很惊讶,因为与内心狂风般猛烈焦虑感相比声音听起来如此的放松

    In listening to the recording I was actually amazed how relaxed I sounded relative to the whirlwind of anxiety that was actually going on inside my head.


  • 如果这次的旅途中成功了也许将这样回答内心那些小小声音“现在,闭嘴吧,以后都打扰了。”

    If I succeeded as the journey progressed, perhaps I could reply to that little voice. I would say, "Now, just shut up and don't bother me."


  • 7个步骤帮助创造要的生活,绝不容易,这不同于杂事,尽管已经努力因为一直听从内心的声音

    This has by no means been easy. I've worked very hard, but it hasn't been a chore, because I've always followed my heart.


  • 现在串大声而虚伪名字经过心中接着内心中一个很大的声音:“,是你,你就是那个人。”

    Now a disingenuous clamor of names went through my mind, followed by a very loud internal voice that said, "You, you bugger. You're the man."


  • 因着内心纷乱的身体好象四分五裂了,忽然微小声音深处说:“你安静,要知道”。

    For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."


  • 只是觉得可能不该完全听从内心声音应该仔细地考虑一下关系就像考量其他任何东西一样——超大量的思考。

    And I just really feel like, well, maybe instead of following my heart, I should be thinking through our relationship the same way I think through everything else: way too much.


  • 你们问题什么?你们内心空洞是什么?需要声音需要掌声;而你们,你们需要成绩

    What's your problem? What's the hole in your heart? I need the noise, the applause. You needed the grades.


  • 然而内心深处声音安慰没事的,这声音就是经历生活其它艰难时期带给慰藉的那同一个声音

    Yet there was a voice deep inside me that assured me I would be okay, the same voice that had brought me comfort during the other tough times in my life.


  • 向来都鼓励身边朋友自己听从内心的声音后悔选择

    I always encourage friends around me, to be yourself, follow your heart, make the choice you will not regret.


  • 正如一位哲人所说,发自内心的声音语言有说服力道理一定这样的。

    A wise man once said, "who you are speaks louder to me than anything you can say." I suppose it must be so.


  • 小说时,印象很深刻贝拉内心声音很强烈以至于把自己当成了

    When I read the story, I was so impressed, Bella's inner voice is so strong that I imagine myself is her.


  • 没有听见来自内心声音因为隆隆飞机飞行已经淹没的心碎,还有掉泪的落地声。

    No one from my heart to hear that kind of sound, because the rumbling sound of aircraft flying has been drowned out of my broken heart, and my tears landing sound.


  • 久久徘徊真挚声音灯光长长的身影深谷回旋呐喊使一步步陷入陷阱里

    It lingered a long time, including his most sincere voice, and that the long shadows under the lights, then swing the deep valley where the cry, make me a step by step into a love trap.


  • 别人都叫嚷不行时,热情就像你内心深处一个声音对你低语,‘能够做到!’

    It is the inner voice that whispers, "I can do it!" when others shout, "No, you can't."


  • 但是内心一个声音却认为这样而且预言应当这么做。

    But, then, a voice within me averred that I could do it and foretold that I should do it.


  • 如果音乐声音太大,打扰看书只有伴随着轻音乐可以感受到内心平静

    If the music is too loud, it will interrupt my reading. only with some soft music, I can feelquite peaceful in my heart.


  • 这些日子历经身体伤痛工作劳累自己变得易怒敏感动怒内心声音在说

    These days, I experienced the pain of the body, work fatigue, giving themselves to become irritable and sensitive, too easily flare up, while the inner voice was saying;


  • Brian最甜美温柔的声音开始分享他的一些情绪,他表示很关心健康内心的幸福感

    In the sweetest, most gentle voice, Brian began to share with me his massive concern for my health and well-being.


  • 只是描绘内心风景,那里有属于隐秘花园那些没有由来的自微弱而渐渐回响至无边无际的声音

    The only difference is that what I paint is the views in my heart, like a private garden belonging only to myself, with the sounds of delight echoing without bounds.


  • 虔诚声音内心深处冒出来中,能为撑一把伞呢?

    A faint sound came from the bottom of my heart, in the rain, who could hold an umbrella for me?


  • 记得自己所知,对抗陷失落感迷宫最有效方法,因为已经赤裸裸地面对着生命,所以没有理由顺应内心的声音

    Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart.


  • 正确选择来自内心一个错误的选择都是因为漠视自己声音

    Every right decision I've made-every right decision I've ever made-has come from my gut. And every wrong decision I've ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.


  • 正确选择来自内心一个错误的选择都是因为漠视自己声音

    Every right decision I've made-every right decision I've ever made-has come from my gut. And every wrong decision I've ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定