I was prepared to be magnanimous, prepared to feel compassion for him.
Seeing new faces, being in new surroundings and meeting people was also an experience I was ready to take on.
I would like to go to graduate school for marketing and advertising and I think I am prepared to do so.
I have another project in the pipeline but that one needs a little longer before I'm ready.
That's why it was so disheartening to be told that I couldn't play, knowing that I was ready.
I do, however, make sure that I have a three-course meal and a seven-dollar a bottle of wine ready for her come dinnertime.
You are not holding back and having inhibitions means you say to the world "I am ready to love".
The months that had passed since I'd left had been anything but…and I was ready for that part of my life to be over.
I think you must have a lot of questions, I am ready to answer all your questions.
I was all ready for a big argument but when he bought me some flowers it took the wind out of my sails.
It is only now that I am ready, and it is only now that I can do it — not one day earlier or one day later.
If it gets really hot, I bring a lot of water and wear light clothes and I'm good to go.
I was scared and nervous, but I tried to be strong and to be like 'This is my opportunity.
It is only now that I am ready and it is only now that I can do it-not one day earlier or one day later.
Right now I am thinking about duty with my international side, then Empoli and then the Champions League. I am ready.
OK, I'm ready for the news. Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne did what? They gave you what? A round-trip ticket to San Francisco?
Honey, I would never tell your dad. We're not exactly on speaking terms. Bring the kids. I'm up. Don't worry.
"If I was in a pickle, I would call my Congressman, too, and see if they can't help me," Zandi says.
Gordon: Well, I'm already having fun. Luckily, it's the Final Bartending exam tomorrow. I'm ready to go. (Passes out after drinking cocktail).
Amanda: Well, at least I had my passport ready-you took ages searching for yours in that enormous backpack.
Of course if you are trying to determine if you can let him or her go online, your child has probably already said, "I'm ready, I can handle it".
I had just gotten some money in the mail that day, a fellowship of three hundred bucks, so I said to Japhy "Well I've learned everything now, I'm ready."
It's going to be hot, but I spent a few weeks in Malaysia in January to do some training so I feel well prepared. I'm looking forward to getting there and to a good race.
This is my life, my personal trajectory, and I have decided to tell it because today I am ready to do it. But I don't plan to let my decision affect anyone else.
The team's nutritional experts had prepared me six days of menus specifically designed to test my body's response to a few standardised meals, mixed in with some of my personal staple foods.
I know it's been a long time since I last updated my blog, but now that the season is over and I've settled down after a week of just chilling, I'm ready to get it going again.
I know it's been a long time since I last updated my blog, but now that the season is over and I've settled down after a week of just chilling, I'm ready to get it going again.