I've had a terrible day, and this traffic is the last straw, I can't take any more.
I can't take it; it hurts too much. It's like the hammering of a thousand needles on my 7 scapula.
At that moment I realized that I needed to know for sure whether my dog was retarded or not.
He threw down all the sticks and cried out, "I cannot bear this life any longer. Ah, I wish Death would come and take me!"
We are getting reports and calls that are breaking my heart from people saying, 'I have been in my attic, I cannot take it any more, the water is up to my neck, I don't think I can hold out'.
Standing in the next room, in the middle of what looked like piles of concrete spaghetti, I began to feel overpowered.
Finally, one morning I sit down at the dining room table across from Mom, and begin to pour out my misery.
Finally one morning I sit down at the dining room table across from Mom and begin to pour out my misery.
I enjoy being away from him for a couple of hours, but I hate it when he is away for a long time.
“把那些酸橙丢掉我并不替你遗憾,因为毕竟是你破坏了规则,你应该为此受到某种惩罚”,马崎夫人严厉地说。 我们的小主人可受不了了,除了期待同情,她可不愿听到别的。
"I am not sorry you lost them, for you broke the rules, anddeserved some punishment for disobedience," was the severe reply,which rather disappointed the young lady, who expected nothing butsympathy.
Sometimes I don't realize how much stress is building up until I suddenly feel overwhelmed.
Jane: Terry always leaves his files here and there. I can't bear him any more.
David: : it takes most of our weekends to listen to these boring lectures, so I can not bear it anymore.
Eph gus Sir (depressed annoyed) : ah, that woman, forget about it, the temper very touchy, yell at me all day long, voice and big, I am stressed out!
On legs, on human legs, my nerves are shot, this is a catastrophe.
大力水手!开个玩笑就受不了了?我摆桌子,布鲁托,你去砍一些柴火来。- 好的,奥利夫!
Popeye! Can't you take a joke? I'll set the table, Bluto, and you chop some firewood. -Okay, Olive!
Things like "I can't do this, why am I alone, I don't have any one to talk to, I cannot do this anymore. " That kind of thing. I cry them outloud, too.
After enduring three years of abuse, and seeing it turn to my children I could not take it any more.
I would drive myself mad with all the whys until one day, I couldn't stand it any longer and jump from a car moving at 80 miles per hour.
I knew I was grossed out and, honestly, every night I went to bed all I could dream about was grasshoppers and just bags and bags of grasshoppers.
I couldn't see the point of organic chemistry. I couldn't stand it anymore.
The weather in Chongqing always terrible. It's very hot today, I almost can't stand it any more.
The weather in Chongqing always terrible. It's very hot today, I almost can't stand it any more.