For dinner, I usually eat one of the following: nori rolls, a big salad, sunflower seed pate, lettuce wraps, guacamole with raw chips, or zucchini pasta.
I beg you would do me the honour to sup with me, though my entertainment may not be worthy your acceptance.
I eat breakfast and dinner with the family but I get lonely in the evenings and at weekends.
I'd rather eat breakfast and lunch at the hotel and then spend much money on a delicious supper.
I was at my parents' house for dinner one night when I first mentioned the dress to anybody.
At night some have dinner, but in my house we didn't use to have dinner.
I remember one of my goals at the very beginning was to have Christmas dinner with him because he would not eat with us.
If someone had told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I'd now be living without money, I'd have probably choked on my TV dinner.
I arrived late one night, on a business trip, so I decided to have dinner in the hotel.
I beg you would do me the honour to sup with me, though my entertainment may not be worthy your acceptance; such as it is, I heartily offer it.
The rest of the dinner, I was hellbent on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine, have dessert and say bad words. Things he never seemed to allow himself to do.
Her 16th birthday came, and this was my idea of a big date: dinner at Pizzeria Uno in the Village, then “A Chorus Line” on Broadway.
I shall always remember the day when I invited a new friend for dinner and she asked if she could bring something - I simply suggested she brought a huge appetite.
My nephews and I tossed a football around and worked up a sweat durng Thanksgiving lunch, and the next day during a day-after-Thanksgiving dinner with my dad I went swimming with the kids.
Getting back to that dinner, please understand that my sensory issues just flat out keep me from eating lot of foods.
'People would always ask me if I could bring the dessert if I was going somewhere for dinner,' she says.
I would rather make that dinner different from all the other dinners we have in restaurant!
昨晚,我和几位侨民(ex - patriot疑为expatriate笔误,译者注)企业家一起吃晚餐,他们说,如今要离开上海是件不容易的事,这城市的速度已经开始让人上瘾。
Last night I had dinner with several ex-patriot entrepreneurs who said it? D be hard to leave Shanghai now because the speed with which the city runs has become addictive.
So that I arrived after dark, when there is not eating a sumptuous dinner, but sweet.
How I look forward to sitting across from you at supper again, listening to you describe your new profit-sharing plan.
For lunch I had noodles, salad, and later a peach. I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell very well.
Recently, I had dinner with a friend. We were chatting away, when she reminded me of the time she had to drink her pork soup through a straw.
Tina: Not in this case. Last week he took me home for dinner and it was a total disaster.
I decided to celebrate by inviting a few friends out to supper.
I decided to celebrate by inviting a few friends out to supper.