• 从来,只要想得到东西,都会尽全力去争取,因为承认自己一个占有欲很强的

    You know what a loser is?A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.


  • 有些艺人这边赚钱,然后顶级豪华钻石手镯并不在乎这些,想得到是你的灵魂。

    Lady gaga: Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.


  • 告诉过当时就那里,您可以想得到看到了那里的一切

    I tell you I was there, and you can conceive that I saw everything there was to be seen.


  • 没有得到名誉但是在说谎因为从内心深处想得到赞誉的。

    I like to say that I've never wanted fame, but I'd be lying, because deep down I know that I like recognition.


  • 意思是他们家人,按照基督说法是血脉中的一部分:他们不想得到什么。

    I mean, they're family, for Christ's sake - you're part of the bloodline: what more do they want?


  • 做出了一些牺牲因为想得到这个特别雇主提供的特别的工作招聘人员告诉

    He made some upfront sacrifices because he really wanted this particular job with this particular employer, the recruiter told me.


  • 家庭生活舒适,并不特别奢侈虽然有些物质上东西想得到,但们已经拥有生活中所有必需品,甚至还有些不那么必须的。

    My family lives a comfortable but not especially extravagant life, and while there are certainly some material things we'd yet like to acquire, we're well set with the basics and more.


  • 的确交了几个朋友需要想得到别人帮助实在是个奢侈期望

    I did make some friends but it is a luxury here to expect other people to help you whenever you need.


  • 为数不多的几次跑步像是巧克力蛋糕——总是想得到实际上没吃几次。

    The few runs I managed to sneak in were like chocolate cake — a treat I dreamed about regularly but tasted infrequently.


  • 认为培养孩子使其成为生活成功者途径不至一条成功很多家长想得到

    I don't think there's one right way to raise kids who are successful in life, which is what most parents want.


  • 纳闷了为什么别人越少,就越想得到他们?

    It left me wondering: Why can't we get enough of people who don't give us enough?


  • 两个弟弟争着的,妈妈把那个最大红的苹果在手中说:“谁都想得到这个苹果,好。”

    Both my two younger brothers and I wanted the biggest one. My mum picked up the biggest apple and said to us, "It is good to get the biggest apple."


  • 每个人一样,想得到这些并且一直在朝着努力每个人分别在追寻着这个共同目标

    I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone else, all of us separately chasing the same thing.


  • 终于明白了,他们拒绝这样做是因为他们就想得到一个可以泄露媒体毁灭性招供

    I said it was now clear to me that they didn't do so because they were no longer trying to get a damaging admission that they could leak to the press.


  • 记得小时候,看完电视广告会特别想得到一个会说话的凯西布娃娃以至于看到出现在圣诞树时候脑子几乎开了。

    I suspect television advertising, which made me want a Chatty Cathy doll so much as a kid that when I saw her under the tree my head almost exploded.


  • 个人而言鲜花公司得到情人节非常成功女友开心

    Personally, I have completely succeeded in convincing my girlfriend that Valentine's day is a day that flower companies just want to get paid for.


  • 写出这些原因真正想得到是,它的效率

    And I just want to write those because what I really want to get at is what's the efficiency of the whole thing?


  • 上周,离开超过年后,玛丽莲回到银幕舞台.1955年早期,已经离开好莱坞, "我想得到一些尊重," 她全世界气呼呼得说道, 然后她怒匆匆的离开去往纽约.

    Last week, after an absence of more than a year, Marilyn was back at work. Early in 1955 she had walked out on Hollywood.


  • 非常感谢母亲明白一个简单最重要道理想得到最好必须努力争第一

    I feel very grateful to my mum because she taught me a very basic but significant wisdom: if you want to get the best, you must compete to be the No.1.


  • 想得到Trump一切回应发言人没有回复

    I wanted to get Trump's response to all this, but his spokesman has not replied to a request for comment.


  • 欧文说过这个也是想得到这份工作其中一个原因

    Owen: : He mentioned that, and it's one of the reasons I wanted the job.


  • 悲情的情况不过虽然目标只是想得到超过100个下载,但没有一个人下载。

    Worst case scenario, no one downloads the e-book, though my aim is to get over a hundred downloads.


  • 想得到你们建议怎样应对人生的转变

    I'd love to get your advice on how you've handled transitions in your own life, "she said in a video posted on YouTube."


  • 6个月之后坐在了这里,得到了所有曾经得到的东西。

    Now I'm sitting here six months later and they're offering me everything that I used to dream about.


  • 然而事实认识大多数妈妈想得到孩子的消息,孩子跟妈妈的联系太少了。

    But the truth is that most moms I know want to hear from their kids more than they do.


  • 认为女性应该是出于学习真正兴趣想得到一个宝贵的学习机会去上大学

    'I believe that women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning, a precious opportunity. If they go purely to get a job, many will be disappointed.'


  • 认为会有两个觉得一个不像。得到承诺告诉,你想要承诺什么

    I had not thought of both; I should not think either, likely. Youwant a promise from me. Tell me what it is.


  • 所以想得到一款新的手机是否可以告知一些关于新款手机一些信息呢?

    So i conclude to get a new one, so would you like to tell me some information about new types of cellphones?


  • 所以想得到一款新的手机是否可以告知一些关于新款手机一些信息呢?

    So i conclude to get a new one, so would you like to tell me some information about new types of cellphones?


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