He smiled. 'Because I want to meet you, Mary,' he said. 'I want you to come with me to my castle.
I've been supporting you, even though I was a little girl, a very unassuming little girl, I want to see you, I want my writing to you singing to you, I want to let you know how much I like you.
The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!
I shall be so anxious to see you and to hear about your festivities and your friend, jack.
I want you to come, I really wanna to see you. Itll be just like one of my sunny days.
Everybody wants to meet you guys, listen, simple things I want you to say, mostly, buy bonds.
Have time, my English is not good, you can't speak English and I don't want to meet you.
Have time, my English is not good, you can't speak English and I don't want to meet you.