Cera: Actually, I wish we were walking through the woods right now with a tape recorder and a bow and arrow. Which reminds me of... Rambo.
Now that I think of it, you ought to know my address: something might happen, one never knows; I live with that friend named Courfeyrac, Rue DE la Verrerie, no. 16.
迈克:玛丽亚,你认识我十年了,自从我住在圣•路易斯你就认识我了, 想起来了吗?
Mike: You've known me for ten years, Maria. You've known me since I lived in St. Louis.
Oh yeah,我想起来了,你上次讲过:一个队员进了三个球,就是ahattrick,然后大家都往球场扔帽子。
It looks like one of the players on the Bruins is about to score a hat trick. Y: a hat trick?
Seth: And I lent you money that day, now that I remember! You owe me three thousand NT, buddy!
Yes! It occurred to me that the noodles you cooked tasted good.
Xiao Luo: What you said remind me of the marvelous building in Belgium, which is supposed tobe of a blood tie with World Expo, isn't it?
Jason Bourne: you listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you... I remember... I remember everything.
Jason Bourne: you listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you... I remember... I remember everything.