At that time, as a girl, I hated it when my parents asked me directly about my problems that made me uncomfortable.
The sight of an animal in tears always makes me feel queer and softhearted.
He asked me if Hillary's keeping her maiden name bothered me.
On board, uncomfortable, disappointed, and sneezing, I only wanted to go home.
I'm not good at speaking in public. I feel uncomfortable when I speak in public.
Molly walked across the room to the door. 'I feel ill now. I'm going upstairs to bed.'
These comments make me uncomfortable, but nobody else seems to mind and I don't want to rock the boat.
Boy: Can you take off my helmet and put it on? It's uncomfortable and it's bothering me while I drive.
Boy: "Can you take off my helmet and put it on? It's uncomfortable and it's bothering me while I drive."
Thinking minimally is outside my comfort zone but at the same time I find minimalist graphic design beautiful and refreshing.
"When I saw that I didn't feel comfortable with this kind of food and this way of working, I decided to step aside to do something simple, " he said.
I have seen many tunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel, it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space.
I began to feel uncomfortable and asked my friend if we could leave.
I've never met anyone who didn't like being with someone they felt comfortable with, or who liked being with someone who made them feel uncomfortable and awkward.
Now before any readers in marketing get upset about the name, I use this to add humor and to send a message.
I used to worry that my discomfort at weddings meant that I was a misanthrope or lacking the distinctly feminine gene that makes centerpieces and pew markers appealing.
事实上,在学校,他对任何让他感到不舒服的事情都避之不及- - -在校车上和同学们的交流;在操场上玩耍时的你推我撞。
In fact, he was avoiding things in school that made him uncomfortable - interactions on the bus, jostling on the playground.
对于我来说,我仍然不喜欢谈论这种病症,我对A -仍然感到不舒服。
As for me, I still don't like to talk about the Spectrum. I'm still not entirely comfortable with the A-words.
"Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night without any reason and feel sick, especially if I haven't eaten in a long time," said Wang, adding that he rarely goes to a hospital.
There's no issue. At Yankee our security staff, I was not comfortable with these guys having guns in the control room.
My father called me (I was living several hours away with a friend) to say she wasn’t feeling well; she was dead a month later.
The words I say might make one or both of us uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to soften them without diluting their truth.
When I walk, I don't feel comfortable, because I feel threatened that someone might hurt me, or you know, or harass me, or do anything to me.
Wearing them all the time helps to shorten the adjustment period. If they become too uncomfortable, please telephone me for an adjustment appointment.
So, we have a large number of relatively young men who fell ill and from that, we think it spread into the community.
I always behave myself so well and I tell myself to stay away from trouble, so it is not acceptable for me to make others feel uncomfortable.
I always behave myself so well and I tell myself to stay away from trouble, so it is not acceptable for me to make others feel uncomfortable.