• 多时候,最好的朋友打电话,谈论们的美好时光或一些有趣的事情,在不知不觉中就感觉好了。

    Very often I call my best friend and we talk about our good times or something funny, and I'm feeling better before I know it.


  • 成为一名导师之后,才意识到帮助他人、他人的生活因你而改变的感觉是多么美好

    Now that I am a mentor, I realize what a good feeling you get from helping someone else and knowing that you're making a difference in his or her life.


  • 感觉,就像是生活里大大小小的美好事情,身旁环绕努力地抓住它们

    It feels, like all these beautiful pieces of life are flying around me and I'm trying to catch them.


  • 相爱一种美好感觉相识、相知、相爱成就这种美好感谢你!携手一生相恋、相伴、相守一辈子

    Love is a beautiful feeling, and you know, and love achievements of this beautiful, I love you and thank you! Is willing to join hands with your life, love, and life together!


  • 简直不敢相信如此地美好不敢相信你如此感觉

    I just cant believe the loveliness of loving you. I just cant believe the one to love this feeling, too.


  • 长城虽然辛苦却给了征服困难后的美好感觉悟出了不到长城好汉”的真谛

    Climbing the Great Wall may be hard, gave me a beautiful feeling to conquer difficulties, let me understand this "less than the Great Wall of non-hero" actually means!


  • 梦想心心相印的伴侣一起分享这种美好感觉,正是寻找

    I have a dream that I can share this nice feeling with my soul mate together, and you are the one who I am looking for!


  • 知道永远在一起一切都会美好对华尔德的感觉一样。

    I knew we'd be together forever, and that everything would be wonderful, just the way you feel about Walter.


  • 知道永远在一起一切都会美好对华尔德的感觉一样。

    Ba: I knew we 'd be together forever, and that everything would be wonderful, just the way you feel about Walter.


  • 感觉再不追求简单美好东西,反而即使舒服有时留下恐怕难过复杂性真相美好追求

    I feel no longer that I am pursuing a simple goodness but that truth and goodness pursue me in all their complexity, even if it makes me uncomfortable, frightened and sad at times.


  • 喜欢第一是因为喜欢风景画感觉看起来和谐美好而且风景

    The reason I like the first one is because I like pictures of scenery, I feel it looks very harmonious and wonderful, also scenery pictures are very beautiful.


  • 如果遇上美好动力包围着,这等的感觉告诉

    If you can encounter and be surrounded by wonderful moving feeling, please teach me those in this time.


  • 在应约参观他们的美好生活时,丈夫不再久经世故美国游客,反而感觉自己贫寒堂兄堂妹。

    Instead of being the sophisticated Americans returning for a visit, my husband and I began to feel like poor Cousins invited to sample the good life.


  • 光下感觉的怯懦的作为声音颤抖:“记住希望美好的,也许最好东西而且从没有一样东西消逝!”

    Under the light, I could feel my recreant heart being shivering as his voice said: "Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies! ""


  • 之后看着妈妈看着诉说着感觉以前没有感觉到的美好不想离开那里

    Then I saw my Mum. She said it seems that I have a better feeling than before, and I don't want to leave here!


  • 简直不敢相信如此美好不敢相信你有如此感觉

    I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you. I just can't believe the one to love this feeling, too.


  • 走进大自然安抚治疗受创的心灵,并且一次地拾回美好事物的感觉

    I go to Nature, to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in ture once.


  • 同样也是一个比较喜欢回忆常常想起过去事情因为它常常也能给带来美好感觉

    I like looking back because I am a liking-past person and I think the past life is always perfect and unforgetful.


  • 感觉网络使生活美好但是为了学习健康不会迷恋网络

    As far as I am concerned, Internet will make life better, but for my own study and health, I won't become addicted.


  • 简直没法形容,游对岸感觉有多么美好

    And I can't begin to tell you how good I felt when I came to the other side.


  • 没有明确表示同样感觉。要不是由于这个似乎无法理解原因每次一起出去时候大家都能度过的时光。

    Whenever we go out, we have the best of times but for a reason I seem to unable to comprehend, she has not clearly indicated that she feels the same for me as I do for her.


  • 下了口水巧克力融化后嘴里甚至不能帮助关闭的眼睛享受美好感觉

    I gulp down the saliva after a piece of chocolate melts in my mouth, and even could not help closing my eyes to enjoy the marvelous feeling.


  • 下了口水巧克力融化后嘴里甚至不能帮助关闭的眼睛享受美好感觉

    I gulp down the saliva after a piece of chocolate melts in my mouth, and even could not help closing my eyes to enjoy the marvelous feeling.


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