For heaven's sake, I broke in. Don't call me a nice man to her.
I know I'm a good person because I have many friends, my classmates are all my friends.
Once conformed, we could say, "I'm a bad dude" or "I think I'm a pretty good person.
Mary is my English teacher who not only teaches me knowledge but also how to be a good person.
Jimmy said I was a good man and had been a good governor, but that no Arkansas governor who had lost for reelection had ever been elected again.
DIANA: Are you going to catch the person who did this, Detective? My uncle was a good man.
He was a good man, James.A much better man than your father.I needed a strong man to help me rule the country.
Becoming a good person is a lifelong effort that requires letting go of anger at others and holding on to responsibility for the mistakes I've made.
I still think he's a good man who made a bad mistake, one he had to pay too high a price for, because he refused to become a pawn in Starr's game.
I have a reason why I’m still alive, the reason to tell the whole world that these people are good people. They are human beings, they need help, they need shoes, at least.
"I fully agree (with Putin's decision to run), he is a very good and a wise man," said Denis.
Hey I just wanted to let you know, I know you are a good man and God is with you.
I believe that a Chanel suit is worth $6000 and that Warren Buffet is a nice guy, even though rationally I know there is no nice way to make that much money.
You understand, one conceives an affection for a person; I am a good sort of a beast, I am; I do not reason; I love that little girl; my wife is quick-tempered, but she loves her also.
“I understand her situation and the pressure from her family, ” he said. “I also understand that her parents want their daughter to find someone who can give her a better life.”
I have a close friend named Norm who is a great photographer and a great person in general... recently he was telling me that all he does is work.
I'm not of his persuasion now, but he's a good man, and he'll expound as well as any parson I know. 'Twas he began the work in me.'
Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.
He was a good man, James. A much better man than your father. I needed a strong man to help me rule the country.
I can say with certainty that he is a fair man who has no axe to grind over this matter.
My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog thinks I am.
To be a teacher is always my goal, when I go to school, I was so admired the teachers, they not only taught us with all kinds of knowledge from the books, but also taught us how to be a good person.
My name is Nils, i'ma nice guy who is trying to have a nice life with a lot of fun and a lot of activities.
I don't think he did it on purpose, for he is really a kind person.
I think my grandpa becomes a Buddha because he deserves it, he is such a nice person.
I think my grandpa becomes a Buddha because he deserves it, he is such a nice person.