• 小伍一个好人那谁呢?

    WF: I'm a good person, who weren't?


  • 上帝上,打断了的话,请不要再在她面前一个好人

    For heaven's sake, I broke in. Don't call me a nice man to her.


  • 知道我是一个好人因为很多朋友同学的朋友。

    I know I'm a good person because I have many friends, my classmates are all my friends.


  • 一旦相符可以说,“坏蛋觉得我是一个好人”。

    Once conformed, we could say, "I'm a bad dude" or "I think I'm a pretty good person.


  • 的英语老师,她不仅教知识,而且还教如何成为一个好人

    Mary is my English teacher who not only teaches me knowledge but also how to be a good person.


  • 吉米好人也曾经州长没有落选的阿肯色州州长能够第二当选

    Jimmy said I was a good man and had been a good governor, but that no Arkansas governor who had lost for reelection had ever been elected again.


  • 戴安娜凶手抓住侦探叔叔一个好人

    DIANA: Are you going to catch the person who did this, Detective? My uncle was a good man.


  • 好人詹姆斯父亲男人需要一个强壮的男人统治这个国家

    He was a good man, James.A much better man than your father.I needed a strong man to help me rule the country.


  • 一个好人毕生致力事,要求学会克制他人发怒勇于自己所犯错误承担责任。

    Becoming a good person is a lifelong effort that requires letting go of anger at others and holding on to responsibility for the mistakes I've made.


  • 现在仍然认为好人,但可怕错误由于不想成为斯塔尔手中枚棋子,他不得不付出很大代价

    I still think he's a good man who made a bad mistake, one he had to pay too high a price for, because he refused to become a pawn in Starr's game.


  • 活在世上原因的,告诉全世界这里人们好人他们一个地球生存,他们需要帮助至少,他们需要穿鞋。

    I have a reason why I’m still alive, the reason to tell the whole world that these people are good people. They are human beings, they need help, they need shoes, at least.


  • 完全同意(普京参选决定),好人一个睿智,”丹尼斯

    "I fully agree (with Putin's decision to run), he is a very good and a wise man," said Denis.


  • 知道认为一个好人上帝你同行。

    Hey I just wanted to let you know, I know you are a good man and God is with you.


  • 相信套香奈儿时装6000美元,也相信巴菲特好人虽然客观的讲,一个好人可能那么

    I believe that a Chanel suit is worth $6000 and that Warren Buffet is a nice guy, even though rationally I know there is no nice way to make that much money.


  • 吗,彼此有了感情一个好人道理说不清,孩子女人性子

    You understand, one conceives an affection for a person; I am a good sort of a beast, I am; I do not reason; I love that little girl; my wife is quick-tempered, but she loves her also.


  • 理解处境承受的来自家庭压力,”,“能够体谅她的父母,不过女儿一个好人家,生活更好。”

    I understand her situation and the pressure from her family, ” he said. “I also understand that her parents want their daughter to find someone who can give her a better life.”


  • 亲密朋友名字叫Norm一个有名的摄影师…总的来说是一个好人最近说他整天忙着工作

    I have a close friend named Norm who is a great photographer and a great person in general... recently he was telling me that all he does is work.


  • 现在教派了,不过一个好人,不比所知道任何一个牧师差,最先就受他的影响。

    I'm not of his persuasion now, but he's a good man, and he'll expound as well as any parson I know. 'Twas he began the work in me.'


  • 无论明天发生什么,必须要答应件事。别忘了你,不要做士兵要做一个好人

    Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.


  • 好人詹姆斯父亲好得男人需要一个强壮的男人统治这个国家

    He was a good man, James. A much better man than your father. I needed a strong man to help me rule the country.


  • 可以肯定这个问题一个没有个人打算好人

    I can say with certainty that he is a fair man who has no axe to grind over this matter.


  • 生活目标一个爱犬认为那种好人

    My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog thinks I am.


  • 上学成为老师一直以来目标佩服老师他们不仅仅教会各种各样的书本上知识教会了们成为一个好人

    To be a teacher is always my goal, when I go to school, I was so admired the teachers, they not only taught us with all kinds of knowledge from the books, but also taught us how to be a good person.


  • 名字尼尔斯埃利好人试图得到一个好的生活很多乐趣大量活动

    My name is Nils, i'ma nice guy who is trying to have a nice life with a lot of fun and a lot of activities.


  • 认为故意这样的,因为他真的一个好人

    I don't think he did it on purpose, for he is really a kind person.


  • 觉得爷爷一定会变成菩萨因为永远好人

    I think my grandpa becomes a Buddha because he deserves it, he is such a nice person.


  • 觉得爷爷一定会变成菩萨因为永远好人

    I think my grandpa becomes a Buddha because he deserves it, he is such a nice person.


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