And there they were now having the time of their lives letting themselves go in cheering me.
When I tell Julie about Operation Ideal Husband (or Operation Whipped, as my friend John calls it), she jumps for joy.
金英证券(KimEngSecurities)驻孟买研究部负责人Jigar Shah说,我预计市场不会因此欢呼雀跃。
'I don't expect the market to feel jubilant because of this,' said Jigar Shah, head of research in Mumbai for securities firm Kim Eng Securities.
Everybody was jumping with joy too, you can see that in the faces of everybody in the palace and at the hotel which I was transferred to later.
Common jubilant, eyebrow open smile, ecstatic, overjoyed, cheering... not in my brain all list.
A few months later I found myself stepping into a huge, new world of dynamic friends - a big, jolly family that welcomed me into their hearts.
This graduation ceremony marks the end of your studies here, and I am sure you are all glad that it has been completed. However, the nest step is even more important and challenging.
This graduation ceremony marks the end of your studies here, and I am sure you are all glad that it has been completed. However, the nest step is even more important and challenging.