• 一切努力最后无济于事

    All my efforts ended in failure.


  • 较为个人角度感谢给予一切帮助

    On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me.


  • 爱是那么深切,从身体到灵魂,我的一切都给了你。

    The love was so deep that I gave you my all from my body to my soul.


  • 弟兄弟兄但是不理他们赚得他们平分因此和你分享我的一切

    You are the Brother amongst my brothers, but I heed them not. I divide not my earnings with them, thus sharing my all with you.


  • 希望知道没有他便没有的一切

    I hope he knows how much he means to me.


  • 我的一切仇敌都必羞愧,大大惊惶。他们必要退后,忽然羞愧。

    Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.


  • 抬举到您的世界里去吧,高高兴兴失去一切自由

    Life me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all.


  • 但是开始唱歌时,最初的2秒钟我的一切想法开始改变了

    But then she started singing, and within two seconds everything changed.


  • 作为遗传学家的一切本能质疑纯洁含义概念

    All my instincts as a geneticist make me question the notion of what it means to be "pure".


  • 所以你们要谨遵行一切律例典章免得你们把你们吐出。

    Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out.


  • 白人女生相爱,在那几年里面就是我的一切现在们也仍然朋友

    I fell in love with a white girl, who was for a few years everything to me. She is still a great friend.


  • 一直你好一直对你好,直到习惯的一切,直到有一天离开了你。

    I wished to be nice to you, forever and ever, until one day you are accustomed to me, until one day I leave you.


  • 直到想通困扰一切的时候。冲动,一种唏嘘解脱,加上一点点兴奋

    Until I figured out the thing that bothered for so long had I felt an urge a sigh a relief and little excitement.


  • 直到想通困扰一切的时候。冲动,一种唏嘘解脱,加上一点点兴奋

    Until I figured out the thing that bothered for so long had I felt an urge, a sigh, a relief and little excitement.


  • 在满是寄生虫单衣‘帐篷’内,呼吸取暖,灵感如潮水般涌成为一切

    "Starved and frozen," he wrote, "I huddled on the stone floor, making a sort of tent of my verminous coat, breathing into a sleeve to warm my body and made poems all day long."


  • 1945年,何克罹患破伤风不幸英年早逝,年仅30岁临终留下遗言:一切献给培黎。

    Unfortunately, in 1945 Hogg died young from tetanus at 30. His last words were "Give my all to Bailie School." new.


  • 以利法的这个想法不是事实,因为从来不炫耀自己的财富,并且一直祷告感谢上帝赐予一切

    Eliphaz came up with another idea that was false because I never bragged about my things and I always thanked God for my things in my prayers.


  • 每年忌日什么是很重要,向着大海朝圣遥远大洋对面的摇篮中的女儿分享我的一切

    It seems important to make some gesture on every anniversary of the death; a pilgrimage to the sea and a communing with a daughter who lies cradled by another, far-off ocean.


  • 一切答应为你任何事情,必须保证不再发生这样的事情你,还有宝贝安全的。

    You mean everything to me, and I promise I am going to do whatever I have to make sure nothing like this happens again, you, me, and the baby will be safe.


  • 论到殿,你遵行律例,谨守我的典章,遵从一切命,向你应验应许父亲大卫的话

    As for this temple you are building, if you follow my decrees, carry out my regulations and keep all my commands and obey them, I will fulfill through you the promise I gave to David your father.


  • 你又耶和华面前将圣物家里拿出来,给了未人和寄居孤儿寡妇,是吩咐我的一切命令。

    Then say to the LORD your God: "I have removed from my house the sacred portion and have given it to the Levite, the alien, the fatherless and the widow, according to all you commanded.


  • 这个小小的世界里,生怕使再缩小一丁点儿。把抬举到您的世界里去,让高高兴兴失去一切自由

    I live in this little world of mine and am afraid to make it the least less.Life me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all.


  • 韩寒东西写完以后从来不检查所以很多错别字,都是打字时候的同音词但是因为有很多看,所以现在会检查错别字,就是外界对的一切影响。

    HanHan:I never check after I finish ,so there are many wrong written words ,most of which are homophones. But since many people follow my blog, now I'll check.


  • 韩寒东西写完以后从来不检查所以很多错别字,都是打字时候的同音词但是因为有很多看,所以现在会检查错别字,就是外界对的一切影响。

    HanHan:I never check after I finish , so there are many wrong written words , most of which are homophones. But since many people follow my blog, now I'll check.


  • 以为了解杰玛一切的喜恶以及她的政治观点

    I thought that I knew everything about Jemma: her likes and dislikes, her political viewpoints.


  • 不着,发生一切一直在脑子转来转去

    I couldn't sleepmy mind was whirling from all that had happened.


  • 似乎拥有任何人想要一切丈夫,可爱的和已长大成人、有出息的子女

    I seem to have everything anyone could want–a good husband, a lovely home, grown-up children who're doing well.


  • 看见的一切--大山山谷湖泊夏日阳光全是绚丽多彩的。

    I was seeing it all in glorious technicolor: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.


  • 看见的一切--大山山谷湖泊夏日阳光全是绚丽多彩的。

    I was seeing it all in glorious technicolor: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.


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