• 间低语着,也许在我的注意力转移到了我的内心世界——一些东西改变

    He's whispering something into my hair and I'm listening but not, noting instead the inner geography - landmasses have altered.


  • 希望能够深入这个族群,更多地了解他们历史,他们的内心世界

    How I hoped to get closer to them and know more about their history and their inner world.


  • 最近发现忽略很多东西,只是关于外部世界包括在思绪乱七八糟时候不能充分挖掘内心世界的潜能。

    Recently, I discovered how much we overlook, not just about the world, but also about the full potential of our inner life, when our mind is cluttered.


  • 一直都在追寻人类心灵深层次的内心世界这些都是人们自发现的东西,”写道,“在那里一切都不被察觉的——而在那可以找到伟大的发现。”

    I have always searched for the dense depths of the soul, that have not yet discovered themselves”, she wrote, “where everything is still unconsciousthere one can make the greatest discoveries.”


  • 希望通过电影人物的内心世界告诉观众:每个人都会生活奋斗爱情尊严任何一个应有的平等权利

    To show that everybody fights for life, everybody loves, and every individual has the right to live with dignity.


  • 曾经悲剧黑暗中徘徊恶魔一个内心世界只有仇恨

    Was wandering in the tragedy and darkness of the devil, only an inner world hate me!


  • 知道如果没有身边这些中国乐手的不断支持,永远也无法找到表达自己内心世界的方法。

    And I know that I never could have figured out how to express what was in me without these talented Chinese musicians prodding me.


  • 始终试图表达内心世界艺术语言还原我的生活状态表达生命思索

    I have always tried to choose the art language which can best expressing my inner spirit world, to represent my life status, to express my thoughts on life.


  • 约翰·邓恩说过人类死亡使消失但是认为死亡可悲的命运而是:活着但是你的内心世界却已如死水般不再起涟漪。

    John Donne said "the death of any man diminishes me" but I think a worse fate than being dead is dying inside - being diminished - while you live.


  • 希望了解内心世界,希望能知道星星为什么闪耀苍穹

    I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine.


  • 开始屋里踱来踱去,嘴里还念叨一些可怕的东西后来完全相信约瑟夫句话了:他的天良内心世界闹腾成了座人间地狱

    He began to pace the room, muttering terrible things to himself, till I was inclined to believe, as he said Joseph did, that conscience had turned his heart to an earthly hell.


  • 马德森洛杉矶时候,科比最为感叹内心世界到底有多大

    Madsen: When I was here in Los Angeles, the thing that really jumped out at me about Kobe was the size of his heart.


  • 反复聆听着,仿佛沉浸他们内心世界中,无数他们之间故事而深深地感动着。

    I am hearing it over and over again. It seems I falling in another world of their heart. Heaps of times I was touched by fancy stories between them.


  • 静静地读着篇文章时,仿佛看见了安静多姿多彩的内心世界一瞬间深深地感动着! !

    When I quietly reading this article, as if saw the colorful inner world, quiet for a moment, I was deeply moved!


  • 很多时候不说什么只是文字里察觉内心世界情绪变化

    There are many, I do not say anything, she just from my text, aware of my inner world of emotional changes.


  • 寻找个人丰富内心世界有人找到一个女人生活想要得到关心

    I'm searching for a man with rich inner world, for someone who wants to find a lady to spend his life with and who wants to be loved and cared.


  • ,其实谁都一个小小花园,这便是内心世界

    I think everyone actually has a small garden or a flower bed of his own, namely, our inner world.


  • 经过这座城市的墓地里,哪里一个长眠者内心世界对于那些忙忙碌碌居民更为深奥难测呢?或者,比他们更为深奥难测呢?

    In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me or than I am to them?


  • 外面世界精彩孩子世界可爱沉浸孩子内心世界弹拨和谐动人的乐章。

    The outside world is very exciting, the children of the world more cute, I would like to immersion in the child's inner world beautiful string music harmony.


  • 看来已经好几年写作需要完全我的生锈内心世界

    It seems that I have been off my writing for years, to be exactly, in my rusty inner world.


  • 看来已经好几年写作需要完全我的生锈内心世界

    It seems that I have been off my writing for years, to be exactly, in my rusty inner world.


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