He's whispering something into my hair and I'm listening but not, noting instead the inner geography - landmasses have altered.
How I hoped to get closer to them and know more about their history and their inner world.
Recently, I discovered how much we overlook, not just about the world, but also about the full potential of our inner life, when our mind is cluttered.
“I have always searched for the dense depths of the soul, that have not yet discovered themselves”, she wrote, “where everything is still unconscious—there one can make the greatest discoveries.”
To show that everybody fights for life, everybody loves, and every individual has the right to live with dignity.
Was wandering in the tragedy and darkness of the devil, only an inner world hate me!
And I know that I never could have figured out how to express what was in me without these talented Chinese musicians prodding me.
I have always tried to choose the art language which can best expressing my inner spirit world, to represent my life status, to express my thoughts on life.
John Donne said "the death of any man diminishes me" but I think a worse fate than being dead is dying inside - being diminished - while you live.
I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine.
He began to pace the room, muttering terrible things to himself, till I was inclined to believe, as he said Joseph did, that conscience had turned his heart to an earthly hell.
Madsen: When I was here in Los Angeles, the thing that really jumped out at me about Kobe was the size of his heart.
I am hearing it over and over again. It seems I falling in another world of their heart. Heaps of times I was touched by fancy stories between them.
当我静静地读着这篇文章时,仿佛看见了安静那多姿多彩的内心世界,在那一瞬间,我被深深地感动着! !
When I quietly reading this article, as if saw the colorful inner world, quiet for a moment, I was deeply moved!
There are many, I do not say anything, she just from my text, aware of my inner world of emotional changes.
I'm searching for a man with rich inner world, for someone who wants to find a lady to spend his life with and who wants to be loved and cared.
I think everyone actually has a small garden or a flower bed of his own, namely, our inner world.
In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me or than I am to them?
The outside world is very exciting, the children of the world more cute, I would like to immersion in the child's inner world beautiful string music harmony.
It seems that I have been off my writing for years, to be exactly, in my rusty inner world.
It seems that I have been off my writing for years, to be exactly, in my rusty inner world.