• 女神金星退行带来适合整形手术的日子,现在更糟,因为金星白羊座。

    My goodness, Venus retrograde would be the worst time to schedule plastic surgery, but it would be even worse now, with Venus in Aries.


  • 正在三明治突然三明治变成了自由女神不过这个女神母亲

    I was eating a sandwich, and suddenly the sandwich was the Statue of Liberty, but the Statue of Liberty was my mother.


  • 其他女人目不转睛的盯着但是在其他人幻想那些蹉的事的时候在羡慕女神纹身

    I stared at him along with the other women, but while they were imagining ungodly ACTS, I was admiring his goddess tattoos.


  • 艾米卢·哈里斯到现在都还是心目中的女神银色秀发灵光拂过双肩令倾倒。

    Emmylou Harris is still a goddess in my book, with that nimbus of silver hair floating past her shoulders.


  • 她们中的一些人说,“献身女神,知道究竟不该这么。”

    Some of them say, “I was dedicated to the goddess, but I didn't know this was what was expected.


  • 克拉拉出现门口时看上去就像是女神幽灵,知道这样想或这样说很愚蠢,但就是那种感觉

    When Clara made her entrance, it was like the apparition of a goddess. I know it was a stupid thing to think-and it's a stupid thing to say-but that's how it was.


  • 最近一个项目——Maypole——开发始于 4000多年故事开始Ninkasi女神族(Sumerian)人传授神秘饮料配方

    The development of my latest project, Maypole, began over 4000 years ago, when, so the story goes, the goddess Ninkasi taught the Sumerian mortals a recipe for a magical drink.


  • 她们中的一些人说献身女神知道究竟不该这么做。”

    Some of them sayI was dedicated to the goddess but I didn’t know this was what was expected.”


  • 退一步,仔细回想想想当时在吃三明治然后突然,三明治变成自由女神不过这个女神母亲

    But if you step back and reflect on it, "Well, let's see, I was eating a sandwich and suddenly the sandwich was the Statue of Liberty, except the Statue of Liberty was my mother."


  • 来说像是一位高高在上的设计女神因为她彻底改变了人们婚纱的看法。

    I would say she is like a design god for me, because she revolutionized the way people saw wedding gowns.


  • 普罗佩提乌斯爱情挽歌一句是这样的:“月亮女神眼神俘虏我的心。”

    In Propertius's love elegies, the first line of the first poem reads "Cynthia was the first to capture me with her eyes".


  • 将此列入长大之后成为清单中,女友女神写法是否两个D”。

    I wrote it on my list of things to be when I grow up, and I asked my girlfriend if Fire Goddess was spelled with two "d" s.


  • 当今社会可能女性增加压力但是认为应该接受自己内心女神

    It may be a pressure on women today but I think we should all embrace our inner goddess.


  • 乘坐驷马高拉着前进,极力驰骋随高兴,后来带上天下闻名女神大道,条大道引导明白人走遍所有城镇

    The car that bears me carried me as far as ever my heart desired, when it had brought me and set me on the renowned way of the goddess, which leads the man who knows through all the towns.


  • 知道年龄特征并不影响欣赏女神

    I don't know her age and feature, but this is not affect me to appreciate her as goddess.


  • 醒来卡莉印度女神别的一窍不通,于是就搜罗。

    As I awoke, I remembered that Kali was a Hindu Goddess, but nothing else about her, so I did a search.


  • 胜利女神翅膀,就那儿,”朝着雕塑作了一个虚弱手势,“都无法保护。”

    The wings of the Victory, in there"--with a weak gesture toward his studio-- will not shelter me."


  • 依然相信上帝一些以色列人开始崇拜其他太阳神(Baal)或亚女神(Asherah)这样神祗

    I still keptthe way of the Lord but some other Israelites started to believeother Gods like Baal and Asherah.


  • 你们女神们,再也不会吸走你们了。

    Phoebe: I love you goddesses. I don't ever wish to suck your wind much more.


  • 认为五五开的比赛只是幸运女神眷顾最后时刻球队都得很棒

    I think the game was 50-50 with a lucky ending for us. It was a great game from both teams with a dramatic last minute.


  • 如果晚上月亮升起时候,月光照到门口希望月光女神满足一个愿望想要一双人类

    If the evening when the moon rises, the moon shine my doorstep, I hope to meet La Luna me a wish, I'd like a pair of human hands.


  • 大多数知道这个故事尔的锤子被偷,而小偷女神弗雷换取并渴望女神作为自己的妻子。

    I assume most of us know the story when Thor's hammer gets stolen and the thief wants Love Goddess Freyja in exchange for it?


  • 现在希望自由女神不可思议故事能够一直继续未来激励又一代人,”补充到

    "Now it is my hope that the Statue of Liberty and her incredible story will live on and on, inspiring generations for years to come, " she added.


  • 女神般的妻子,她为理想打动人拼命努力,还有个女儿回忆起很多过去。

    I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be.


  • 女神般的妻子,她为理想打动人拼命努力,还有个女儿回忆起很多过去。

    I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be.


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