• 家庭成员之间利益互相冲突。

    My family members have conflicting interests.


  • 作品已经改变了生活生命几个我的家庭成员

    The Opus has changed my life and the lives of several of my family members.


  • 家庭成员英语得不差外国友人交流不会语言问题

    All my family members can speak English well and there is no language problem to communicate with foreign guests.


  • 别人对来说完全神秘甚至知道我的家庭成员什么

    Even in my own family I have no idea what any of them are thinking. " - On if he does research to prepare for a role."


  • 到了晚上,家庭成员亲戚们回来了,在一起吃了丰盛的晚餐。

    In the evening my family member and relatives came back and we had a rich supper together.


  • 家庭成员曾经达成了一致的意见:只要天气条件每个星期天早上都要去爬一下华佗山公园台阶

    My family members have made an agreement that we would climb the steps of the HuaTuo Mountain Park every Sunday morning as long as the weather is OK.


  • 普通照片转化成为流行艺术最钟情的数码艺术家中所有家庭成员的照片都被转化成为多彩的艺术作品

    Turning 'normal' photos into pop-art, is my favourite digital art. In my house you find photos of all my family members converted into colourful art pieces.


  • 一半之后老师生下了一个宝贝而且班级解散。2星期之后,快乐知道宝贝变成一个养女家庭成员

    Half a year later, our teacher gave birth to a baby, and the class was dismissed. 2 weeks later, I was happy to know that the baby became a member of my family as an adopted daughter.


  • 一位正在食物银行排队年轻女性直白没有充足水源庄稼无法生长家庭成员全部务农,他们现在每天无事可做……有时周末活干

    One young woman in line at the food bank said it simply: 'There's not enough water. Crops can't be grown. My family works in the fields and they can't get work every day... sometimes just on weekends.


  • 弟弟妹妹或者小宝贝们可以一些看起来仅仅有点家庭成员

    Your siblings or my babies can paint some paints that looks just a bit like a family member.


  • 最近脸书上看到两个家庭成员之间对话注意到这样一句话:“时间你想的事。”

    While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: "You have time for whatever you make time for."


  • 有的家庭成员都在忙着准备父亲的四十岁生日聚会。

    All the family members are busy getting ready for my father's fortieth birthday party.


  • 认为如何创造维护他人良好关系方面有力思想无论是对同事、朋友还是家庭成员来说都是如此。

    In my opinion this is one of the most powerful ideas on creating and maintaining relationships with others be it co-workers, friends or family members.


  • 鼓励客户自己他们所有物捐赠家庭成员邻家小孩或是捐赠给某些志愿者活动

    I encourage clients to personally donate their possessions to a family member, a child in the neighborhood or a drop-off at a volunteer event.


  • 深受家庭影响,特别注重家庭成员之间感情

    I have been deeply influenced by my family, and I am concerned about the love between my family members.


  • 企业里学会怎样专业人士变成家庭成员(乐观上讲)。

    At my business, I have learned how to get professional people to act like family (in the positive sense).


  • 只是本·拉丹家族一系列众多个性强烈家庭成员中的一员

    I was only one of many in a chain of strong personalities in our bin Laden family.


  • 不得不其它家庭成员其他一些好好相处因为他们不是那么支持一些情况下们应该踊跃地去反对一些一直在尝试做的事情

    I've also had to deal with other family members and people in my life who haven't been so supportive -in a few cases, actively against some of the things we've tried to do.


  • 呼吁那些尚未批准执行保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约国家批准和执行这项《公约》。

    I call on those states that have not yet done so to ratify and implement the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.


  • 知道一个家族每次家庭成员见面都小心翼翼握手问候对方,没有亲吻,只用下颚快速的一下,好似用来接触对方的不是嘴唇而是耳朵

    I know clans whose members greet each other with gingerly handshakes or, in what pass for kisses, with hurried brushes of side jawbones, as if the object were to touch not the lips but the ears.


  • 处于这样年纪想到之后某个家庭成员发现一本载有我的错误厚厚的日记时,这感到有些不舒服!

    I'm at the age where the notion that, after my demise, a family member would find a fat journal devoted to my mistakes makes me a little uncomfortable!


  • 创建网站家庭成员(这里就是)将指定为管理员,他可以邀请任何人成为网站的会员

    The family member who creates the site (in this case, me) is designated the administrator and can invite anyone to become a site member.


  • 知道就个人而言学习之后积极了,不到一个孤独朋友或者家庭成员他们可以理解我的经历

    I know that personally, after learning I was positive, I couldn't find a single friend or family member who understood what I was going through.


  • 为了对抗家庭成员多口绝对优势,开口说话总要先摆几个手势

    To combat the verbal steamrollering of members of my family, I raise my hand before speaking.


  • 们的家庭成员彼此很相像两个弟弟外甥都是大个子,所以穿上工作服之后样子有些吓人。

    The family resemblance is strong, and my brothers and nephews are big guys, so the overall effect is a bit spooky.


  • 此类家庭活动美好回忆所在,是和每个家庭成员增进联系、享受美好假期不过时光了。非常期待能了解你的城市并且倾听你的主意!

    These kinds of family events are what memories are made of, and it's a great time to bond, enjoy, and catch up with each other.


  • 已经看到过足够多案例家庭成员收回援助之手然后瘾君子身上发生一些很“杯具”事情。

    I've seen enough cases where the family withdrew and then something [awful happened to the addict].


  • 已经看到过足够多案例家庭成员收回援助之手然后瘾君子身上发生一些很“杯具”事情。

    I've seen enough cases where the family withdrew and then something [awful happened to the addict].


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