Ten minutes later, I received an email saying someone had replied.
But my editor makes the point that my post on the subject takes a decidedly bilateral view of real exchange rates.
Your mission: from the moment you read my post, log off your web browser, go do something else.
Responding to my post, people felt angry, validated, curious, and concerned about my questioning of the profession.
One person I know even told me how she depended on my post to find the maps, as she had a tough time seeking them out in other ways.
I reread my WeChat posts to check whether what she said was true, and surprisingly, almost all my posts brim with enthusiasm.
For those of you who already know how to write books, this advice will probably seem pretty obvious so feel free to skip to tweeting my post.
Of course I'll be sure to blog about this experience, but if I start making posts about seeing dead people, then you'll know I've become delusional due to sleep deprivation.
In my post, "Getting the love You Want... Over and Over Again," I mention one of the most powerful intimacy tools in my marriage, which is writing a love letter.
was about to become a book, and my "writing" became "literary creation", which is very uncustomary to me, but still I have to give opinions on "literature"
Then, I attended a small gathering at a bar a few days ago, and a girl asked me why my posts are full of positive energy as if there is nothing wrong in my life.
Even though I was writing a post on selective attention, I still didn't notice.
As I explain in a subsequent post, the association between physical attractiveness and intelligence may be due to one of two reasons.
A couple of years ago, if I was reading a post like that my mind would be so closed that I would not have clicked through to the site.
In the past I sued Sohu for deleting my blog posts, but now I want to praise them.
I thought I'd try something new this post - I'm stealing an idea from Leo of Zen Habits.
The other day I was reading Leo's post on disadvantages of long emails and that made me realize that I am not the only one who has this bad habit of (sometimes) writing long emails.
In a previous post, I show, using an American sample from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, that physically more attractive people are more intelligent.
Another trend to be on the lookout for are the vintage and retro styles which I've posted earlier this year.
Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.
我不会深入探讨他们所用的方法- - -很显然那个帖子更多的谈了这个- - -我倒想说他们遇到的问题。
I won't get into the exact methods they used - the post goes into detail on that, obviously - but I love the challenges they're meeting.
'Once she became secretive about her posts, I should have become suspicious,' he wrote.
Dear Annie: I read your post about merit raises with interest, because I've been involved in some pay negotiations myself lately — not as an employee, but as a job hunter.
从我最初的帖子里,有人推测昂贵的HD 595一定使用了更贵的驱动部件。
Quite a few people speculated in my Original thread that the more expensive HD595 headphones must also be using a more expensive driver.
Getting a lot of page views is great - it means a lot of people are visiting the site - but the posts that are the most popular aren't necessarily my favorites.
When I scroll back through the forum posts, I can't find a single person asking for more transition animations.
Because it wasn't as moving or interesting as my other posts.
Because it wasn't as moving or interesting as my other posts.