• 分钟之后收到邮件有人回复我的帖子

    Ten minutes later, I received an email saying someone had replied.


  • 主编认为帖子实际汇率显然是双边观点

    But my editor makes the point that my post on the subject takes a decidedly bilateral view of real exchange rates.


  • 任务阅读帖子关掉浏览器别的事情

    Your mission: from the moment you read my post, log off your web browser, go do something else.


  • 回复帖子人们提出的有关图书馆员职业质疑感到愤怒认同、或者好奇

    Responding to my post, people felt angry, validated, curious, and concerned about my questioning of the profession.


  • 认识一个告诉是从帖子找到那些地图的,换个方式去把这些地图出来非常的困难。

    One person I know even told me how she depended on my post to find the maps, as she had a tough time seeking them out in other ways.


  • 重读了微信文章看看的是不是真的令人惊讶的是几乎所有我的帖子充满热情

    I reread my WeChat posts to check whether what she said was true, and surprisingly, almost all my posts brim with enthusiasm.


  • 对于你们当中那些已经知道怎样的人来说,这个建议可能显得平淡无奇,所以你们可以自由跳过直接把帖子转出去。

    For those of you who already know how to write books, this advice will probably seem pretty obvious so feel free to skip to tweeting my post.


  • 当然在博客上记录整个过程。如果帖子出现看见死人的内容,意味着由于缺乏睡眠,开始出现幻觉了。

    Of course I'll be sure to blog about this experience, but if I start making posts about seeing dead people, then you'll know I've become delusional due to sleep deprivation.


  • 帖子得到想要……绵绵不绝》里,提及自己婚姻用到的一个行之有效的亲昵良策,便是情书

    In my post, "Getting the love You Want... Over and Over Again," I mention one of the most powerful intimacy tools in my marriage, which is writing a love letter.


  • 的帖子就要变成了,成了创作”,习惯啊,但是还是谈一谈“创作谈”的,于是,就这样写了

    was about to become a book, and my "writing" became "literary creation", which is very uncustomary to me, but still I have to give opinions on "literature"


  • 后来几天酒吧参加了一场小型聚会,一个女孩为什么帖子充满能量好像我的生活总是一帆风顺一样。

    Then, I attended a small gathering at a bar a few days ago, and a girl asked me why my posts are full of positive energy as if there is nothing wrong in my life.


  • 尽管正在一个关于选择性注意帖子还是没有注意到。

    Even though I was writing a post on selective attention, I still didn't notice.


  • 随后帖子解释原因外型上魅力智商之间关系或许归咎两个原因之一。

    As I explain in a subsequent post, the association between physical attractiveness and intelligence may be due to one of two reasons.


  • 要是在几年如果看到这样帖子绝对不会点击查看它,因为时候思想非常地封闭

    A couple of years ago, if I was reading a post like that my mind would be so closed that I would not have clicked through to the site.


  • 过去搜狐删除博客帖子起诉过它,但是现在表扬表扬他们

    In the past I sued Sohu for deleting my blog posts, but now I want to praise them.


  • 觉得次正在尝试一个新的帖子——偷借禅宗习惯利奥的一个点子

    I thought I'd try something new this post - I'm stealing an idea from Leo of Zen Habits.


  • 几天了里关于邮件劣势”的帖子,之后发觉并不是只有一个(有时候)长幅的邮件的习惯

    The other day I was reading Leo's post on disadvantages of long emails and that made me realize that I am not the only one who has this bad habit of (sometimes) writing long emails.


  • 以前帖子中说过,美国青少年健康纵向研究的抽取检查中发现外形上有魅力更加聪明

    In a previous post, I show, using an American sample from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, that physically more attractive people are more intelligent.


  • 另一个值得注意趋势复古怀旧风格今年初帖子提到过了。

    Another trend to be on the lookout for are the vintage and retro styles which I've posted earlier this year.


  • 哪怕一个长于帖子吃不消,只能略微浏览一下。

    Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.


  • 不会深入探讨他们所用方法- - -很显然那个帖子更多的谈了这个- - -倒想说他们遇到的问题。

    I won't get into the exact methods they used - the post goes into detail on that, obviously - but I love the challenges they're meeting.


  • 他写道开始帖子内容保密的时候应该有所怀疑了。

    'Once she became secretive about her posts, I should have become suspicious,' he wrote.


  • 亲爱的安妮看了写的关于按绩效加薪帖子兴趣。近来自己就遇到了几桩薪资谈判,不过不是为了加薪,而是为了跳槽

    Dear Annie: I read your post about merit raises with interest, because I've been involved in some pay negotiations myself latelynot as an employee, but as a job hunter.


  • 最初帖子里,有人推测昂贵HD 595一定使用驱动部件

    Quite a few people speculated in my Original thread that the more expensive HD595 headphones must also be using a more expensive driver.


  • 浏览量说明访问网址但是这些受欢迎帖子不一定最喜欢

    Getting a lot of page views is great - it means a lot of people are visiting the site - but the posts that are the most popular aren't necessarily my favorites.


  • 重新浏览了一遍论坛帖子之后没有发现哪个提出需要更多过渡动画

    When I scroll back through the forum posts, I can't find a single person asking for more transition animations.


  • 因为没有之前的帖子动人有趣

    Because it wasn't as moving or interesting as my other posts.


  • 因为没有之前的帖子动人有趣

    Because it wasn't as moving or interesting as my other posts.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定