• 现在有了两位真正挚友相信将来围坐某个温暖舒适的酒吧桌旁,一边喝酒一边叙旧

    I now have two truly great friends - and I'm sure in the years to come we will be able to reminisce together over a drink in a nice warm bar.


  • 谈到汉克觉得羡慕这种简单生活忠诚挚友

    Stopping to talk to Hank, I realized I was actually a tad jealous of his simple life and loyal friend.


  • 索尼亚,母亲一生挚友(她俩在9岁时相识),健在。

    Sonia, with whom my mother had been lifelong friends (ever since they were both nine), was still alive.


  • 那些网友尤其是通过博客上认识的,无论他们自己写不博客,也不管是不是喜欢写评论,现在都是我的挚友

    The friends I've made onlinefrom blogging in particular, be they other bloggers or commenters on this or my own site – are the best friends I now have.


  • 失去了位令仰慕挚友遇到一同工作过的人中最有才华的一

    I lost a very dear friend, someone who I admired, someone who was the greatest talent I ever met or worked with.


  • 然后一张很小纸条:送给朋友……走过马路,来到邻居屋前。她还是我的挚友

    Then I wrote this note as small as I could: For my friend... I went across the street to my neighbor's, who is also one of my closest friends, and I left the bouquet at the front door.


  • 虽然像是一个孤独的舞者,而不是交际花,但内向者更能建立联系路上结识了一些挚友

    Though I am more a wallflower than a social butterfly, us introverts build deeper connections and I have made some of my closest friends on the road.


  • 认识个叫Shaun我的好友的男朋友,后来成了挚友甚至答应了当他们的婚礼伴娘,可是有生以来第一次当伴娘。

    I met Shaun, the partner of a good friend of mine, and he and I became mates, so much so that I even agreed to be best woman at his wedding (the first one I had ever agreed to attend).


  • 正如12月传记作者长期挚友olga Wornat所说的,“nestor希望的”。

    As she said in December to Olga Wornat, her biographer and a longtime friend, "This is what Nestor would want me to do."


  • 这样想法挚友约书亚·莱德博格(JoshuaLederberg)已经一起讨论二十多年

    It was an idea that my dear friend Joshua Lederberg and I had been discussing for more than 20 years.


  • 到目前为止,“终身挚友”型最常碰到的,也是高兴自己洛杉矶的原因之一。

    Common people we meet, which is one of the reasons I'm glad I live in.


  • 谢谢这位真诚的挚友!你生命中的欢乐

    Thanks for being there as a friend so true! You are the joy of my life.


  • 再次重申如果天真来看你当作挚友礼貌热情招待你。

    Again I repeat that if you ever visit me in the future, you will be treated as my best friend and I will be a very polite and courteous host to you.


  • 想念的话,完;关怀永远改变,永远不会祝福将围绕,新年快乐万事如意! !

    Miss, also cannot say; caring heart, never change; sincere friendship, never forget. I wish you a happy New Year, good luck in everything around!


  • 想念的话完;关怀永远改变,永远不会祝福将围绕,新年快乐万事如意

    Miss, said also does not say, Caring heart, never change, Sincere friendship, never forget, I wish you a happy New Year, around, everything!


  • 特殊日子,向致以新年祝福,希望不久相聚在一起。我的挚友新年快乐。免费此祝福发送到自己手机。

    On this special day I send you New Year's greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. Happy New Year, my best friend.


  • 唯一感受到就是,这份爱要给予家族我的三个孩子,我的挚友以及出色的歌迷

    I have nothing but feelings of love for my family, my children, personal friends and my incredible fans.


  • 清楚他开了挚友巴厘岛土地所有者大姐祝酒

    I don't know whether he's referring to her or me. But he opens a bottle of wine and we raise a toast to our dear friend Wayan the Balinese landowner.


  • 相册展现熟知的挚友想起一起日子希望你一切

    When photo albums show loved ones we both knew, and i recall the days shared with you … I wish you well.


  • 一向很重视意见因为我的挚友

    Her opinion always weighs a lot with me because she is a close friend of mine.


  • 走过马路,来到邻居屋前。她还是挚友然后花束放在她门前

    I went across the street to my neighbor's, who is also one of my closest friends, and I left the bouquet at the front door.


  • 茫茫人海中相识相知成为挚友无限的快乐

    It's my endless happiness to meet you, to know you, and to become close friends among a sea of crowd.


  • 挚友许多暮色渐深海滩聆听海涛声体会伟大思虑沉默

    Dear friend I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on the beach when I listen to these waves.


  • 在以前经常取笑别人最后唯一挚友理睬了。

    Before, I always laughed at the others and at last even my only true friend didn't pay attention to me.


  • 首先感谢大家这个荣耀你们共同在这里家人我的同事我的挚友大学同学们

    First and foremost, thank you for giving me this honor to have you here, my families, my ex colleagues, my closed friends, and my college classmates.


  • 特别要向耿力平教授这位加拿大挚友那些对加拿大兴趣的人致意,正是他们的努力使成为可能

    I would like to pay particular tribute to Professor Li-Ping Geng, a very good friend to Canada, and those interested in Canada, for making this possible.


  • 特别要向耿力平教授这位加拿大挚友那些对加拿大兴趣的人致意,正是他们的努力使成为可能

    I would like to pay particular tribute to Professor Li-Ping Geng, a very good friend to Canada, and those interested in Canada, for making this possible.


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