I'd like to take you to the church, so you can walk down that aisle and marry the man of our dreams.
I thought I married the man of my dreams, but he turned out to be a real nightmare!
I didn't realize that the girl I've known for about three years is actually my crush.
My in a dream lover will is occupy the industry heart, there is the man of the social responsibility and the family sense of responsibility.
You know for 2 years, she was the woman of my dreams until I met Amanda.
I am 20 years old and engaged to the girl of my dreams. "Liza" is beautiful, smart and very loving. We have no problems in our relationship.
所以尽管素昧平生,我的举止也完全合乎自然,没有丝毫不妥,”马克·吐温在《我的梦中情人》中描写早年与她相遇的梦境。 “她没有惊讶,没有悲伤,没有不愉快,她把一只胳膊放在我的腰上,仰起一张盈盈笑脸,欢迎我的到来。
“I put my arm around her waist and drew her close to me, for I loved her...my behavior seemed quite natural and right, ” Mark Twain wrote in “My Platonic Sweetheart” of an early dream encounter.
自由自在的氛围弥漫在梦中情人所至的每一处空间,她如天使般宁静、安详,实际上,她就是天使,悄悄地抚平昏睡者内心的创伤。 “我挽住她的腰,把她拉近我的身体,我爱她...
The Platonic Sweetheart was weightless, serene: angelic, in fact—a healing angel to the troubled sleeper.
I thought he was my dreamboat, but now I realize, he's just a silly old punt.
Eddie Cantrow: I'm married to the girl of my dreams, I've got the next three weeks off, I'm roadtripping down to Cabo – if I'm dreaming, Mac, do not wake me up.
Eddie Cantrow: I'm married to the girl of my dreams, I've got the next three weeks off, I'm roadtripping down to Cabo – if I'm dreaming, Mac, do not wake me up.