• 临川一中作为的母校提供好的平台遇到来自全国各地的友好同学们以及十分敬业优秀老师们

    LingChuan NO. 1 Middle School as my mother school, provides a really great platform for me to meet friends from different cities and very dedicated teachers.


  • 今天一大早抽空母校珊瑚中学了看那些书香育人的老师,才发现那么多的变化,时间不会驻足,人都没那么年轻了,不过他们对一代代的启迪始终不会改变。衷心祝福老师们健康,幸福

    I went to the middle school I used studying there this morning, seeing all the changes happened on them, but they will never change the aim that do all for the children. Wish them happy and healthy!


  • 实在的,真不想离开母校

    To be honest, I don' t really want to leave my school.


  • 来到中国发现怀念事情之一就是在国内时星期六下午中学母校大学母校与其他校队比赛。

    Living in China, I find that one of the things I miss most is watching my high school and college teams play other schools' teams each Saturday afternoon.


  • 由于两个儿子分别到了14岁13岁的年龄,周前他们一起去了母校,希望他们体验一下屋子聪明能干年轻女性所散发出的独特魅力。

    Given that my sons are now 14 and 13, I brought them with me a few weeks ago so they could experience the inimitable beauty of a room full of smart, empowered young women.


  • 已经结婚年了两个孩子一处住所最近还接连受到母校犹太社区商会嘉奖。

    I've been married six years, have two children, a home, and have been recently honored by my college, the Jewish community, and the Chamber of Commerce.


  • 刚刚收到母校一封信通知以前校长斯图亚特·佩奇先生星期退休了

    I have just received a letter from my old school, informing me that my former headmaster, Mr. Stuart Page, will be retiring next week.


  • 现在大四,再过半就要离开亲爱的母校深圳大学,心中感情无比复杂

    Now I am already a senior student, who will leave my dear Shenzhen University in half a year. Thinking of it, my heart is filled with complex feelings.


  • 罗恩-亨利先生美国俄亥俄州西金库市初中母校S.C.O.P.E.(天赋教育班)的老师

    Who is He? Mr. Ron Henrich is the S.C.O.P.E. teacher at my junior high down here in West Chester, Ohio.


  • 接到母校一封信,通知老校长雷金纳德·佩奇先生星期退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head - master, Mr Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.


  • 如果没有克尽本分,荣耀母校权利感到羞耻悔恨

    I shall feel ashamed and regretful that I have thrown away the privilege of glorifying my mother school.


  • 意思为:“每当走过母校时,想起那儿度过快乐岁月。”

    I never go past my old school but I think of the happy years I spent there.


  • 今天收到母校一个百忙之中抽空出来教授推荐兴奋不已。

    Today I was excited to hear that I received three of my grad school recommendations in the mail from a very busy professor.


  • 接到一封母校的来信,通知校长先生下周退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster will be retiring next week.


  • 校园方向大门母校名字阳光闪闪发光

    My campus front door has the name of mother school on the door with a southern exposure, in the sun flickering give out light.


  • 接到母校一封信通知校长雷金纳德·佩奇先生星期退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head-master Mr Regina ld page will be retiring next week.


  • 接到母校一封信通知校长雷金纳德·佩奇先生星期退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head-master Mr Reginald page will be retiring next week.


  • 母校感言感谢绵阳师范学院迈出了人生事业一步

    Exclamation :Thank Mianyang Normal University for making me finished the first step of my career.


  • 母校老师说,谢谢你们,让梦想从这里起飞

    I'd like to show my sincere gratitude to my former teachers for helping me realize my dreams.


  • 接到母校一封信通知校长雷金纳德·佩奇先生星期退休

    I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head-master, Mr Reginald Page, will be retiring next week.


  • 首先代表所有中加学校高三毕业生感谢母校辛苦培养老师们

    First, I would like to show my sincere gratitude to our schools and teachers on behalf of all the CCSC graduates.


  • 亲爱的母校即将踏入中学,心中充满的不舍,不想离开,毕竟这里学习了五年,爱您!

    Dear Mr Wang, How are you? It's a pity that i'm leaving this school soon. At this moment, i want to say"Thank you! ""


  • 亲爱的母校即将踏入中学,心中充满的不舍,不想离开,毕竟这里学习了五年,爱您!

    Dear Mr Wang, How are you? It's a pity that i'm leaving this school soon. At this moment, i want to say"Thank you! ""


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