• 不一会儿父亲回家了,下来吃饭:“儿子哪里?”

    Presently the father came home and sat down to his dinner; he asked, "Where is my son?"


  • 走上台,读了我的作文《父亲儿子》。

    I went up to the stage and read my essay "My Father's Son."


  • 克的父亲说:“儿子今天要种西红柿。”

    "I'm planting tomatoes today, son." Luke's father said.


  • 托马斯吃完所有的樱桃后,他的父亲对他说:“亲爱的儿子,如果你早点弯腰捡起那只马蹄铁,你就不必弯那么多次腰去捡樱桃了。”

    When Thomas had eaten all the cherries, his father said to him, "My dear son, if you had bent down earlier to pick up that horseshoe, it would not have been necessary for you to bend so many times for the cherries."


  • 亲爱的儿子,那个地方没有什么宝藏,”父亲平静地说,“但认为你已经找到了自己未来的道路。”

    "There wasn't any treasure in that place, my dear son," the father said quietly, "But I think you have found you own future path."


  • 到18岁离开家前的孩童时期,父亲每晚都会来到我的卧室,吻一下,然后说:“爱你,儿子。”

    As a child until I left home at 18, my father came into my bedroom every night, gave me a kiss, and said, "love you, son."


  • 没有帮他,反而问:“儿子,你已经尽力了吗?我的意思是,你用尽了你能用的所有办法了吗?”

    The father didn't help him, but instead asked, "Son, have you tried your best? I mean, are you doing everything you can?"


  • 父亲当作自己的亲生儿子一样他,即便女婿一样,并不富有

    My father loved him like a son even though he, like son-in-law number one, was not rich.


  • 作为儿子花了很多时间父亲演讲常常演讲进行录音

    As his son, I spent many hours listening to my father speak, and I often recorded his talks.


  • 然而,因父亲大卫缘故不在你活着的日子事,必儿子手中国夺回

    Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son.


  • 儿子过去经常是不是有一选择父亲还是母亲生活

    My son constantly asked me if at some point they would have to choose who to live with.


  • 可以设定非常高的目标上帝儿子想出认为伟大的事情可以生活中这些事情并且可以打败他们”他是有能力的父亲

    I can set some high goals. God says, "My son, you think up the greatest thing you think I could do in your life and I can beat that.


  • 他们父亲雅各他们说:“你们使丧失儿子约瑟没有了,西没有了,你们又便雅带去;这些事都归到身上了。”

    Their father Jacob said to them, "You have deprived me of my children. Joseph is no more and Simeon is no more, and now you want to take Benjamin.


  • 亨利的父亲门廊上大步跨来,抱住有力的拥抱带着烟酒温暖亲吻当成自己儿子回家

    Henrys father leapt from the porch to gather me in his arms, and with a strong embrace and warm kisses reeking of smoke and alcohol, he welcomed me home as his only son.


  • 唯一儿子,”马向前的父亲马子善,他是一个大城市种植园林树木农民

    "He was my only son," said Ma Xiangqian's father, Ma Zishan, a struggling farmer of landscape plants and trees grown for use in the bustling cities.


  • 父亲:“只有一个儿子但是辜负期望。”

    "I have only one son, and he failed to live up to my expectations, " Yuan's father said.


  • 父亲:“只有一个儿子但是辜负期望。”

    "I have only one son, and he failed to live up to my expectations," Yuan's father said.


  • 父亲仍然记得当时的情形:“当时正在参加一个聚会父亲见到抱怨了他儿子

    My father still remembers the consequences: "I was at a party and this boy's dad knew who I was and complained that you had hit his son.


  • 台上陷阱一端,也就是旁边男孩父亲汤姆注意这儿子一举一动。

    Right beside me, on the opposite end of the platform and the traps, stands the boy's father, Tom, anticipating his son's every move.


  • 从来都不是心目中的儿子,但知道父亲知道多么地令他失望。

    I could not have been what he had hoped for in a son. I know he loved me; I also know that I must have been a tremendous disappointment to him at the time.


  • 身边知道Kiki(Kiki是Enrique昵称),除了艺人头衔还有儿子兄长朋友,当然最新的头衔是“父亲”。

    The people closest to me know me as "Kiki" (a nickname that comes from Enrique), and aside from being an artist I am also a son, a brother, a friend--and most recently, a father.


  • 特尔爵士的儿子伊恩:“许多年来父亲努力奋斗证实喷气式飞机技术可行的。 英国皇家空军对此缺乏兴趣很沮丧,并且怀疑他的脑子有问题这更加深了他的伤害,但惠特尔的设计图触发了德国的灵感,建造德国版本的喷气式飞机。

    Whittle's son Ian said: 'For many years, my father battled to prove that his idea for jet engine technology was attainable.


  • 仆人父亲你们知道我的妻子两个儿子

    Your servant my father said to us, 'You know that my wife bore me two sons.


  • 他的父亲因为发现电子粒子,而拿到诺贝尔那么儿子些什么超越父亲发现呢?

    So, the father gets a Nobel Prize for showing that an electron is a particle, and the son says, well, what can I do to top that?


  • 去年圣诞节这些人坐在餐桌边:我的现任男友,母亲儿子儿子父亲女朋友这个女朋友的父母亲以及女儿还有一些亲密朋友

    Last Christmas, this is who was at my table: my then-boyfriend, my mother, my son, my son's father, his girlfriend, her parents and daughter and an assortment of close family friends. We had a blast.


  • 1994年两个儿子刚刚诊断为孤独症有人告诉孤独症犹太人比较常见(儿子父亲一部分犹太血统)。

    When the first of my two autistic sons was diagnosed in 1994, someone told me that autism was more prevalent among Jews (my sons' father is partly Jewish).


  • 1994年两个儿子刚刚诊断为孤独症有人告诉孤独症犹太人比较常见(儿子父亲一部分犹太血统)。

    When the first of my two autistic sons was diagnosed in 1994, someone told me that autism was more prevalent among Jews (my sons' father is partly Jewish).


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