• 上周日十三岁生日很多朋友同学参加我的生日宴会

    It was my thirteenth birthday last Sunday. Many friends and classmates of mine came to my birthday party.


  • 虽然没有因为给大场合照相赚钱已经一些朋友有了一个协议他们孩子生日宴会照相来换取蛋糕

    And while I haven't made any money photographing events, I have a standing arrangement with a few friends to photograph their children's birthday parties in exchange for all the cake I can eat.


  • 回想起一年菲利普真的很棒。无疑那种专一的奉献令深信母亲会过得舒适,尽管我的第七个生日宴会

    The outstanding Philip memory of that first year, though - certainly the devotional act that convinced me my mother was on to a good thing - was at my seventh birthday party.


  • 生日打算邀请我的朋友花园里宴会

    When it is my birthday, I am going to invite my friends and have a party in the garden.


  • 这些知道孩子抽噎道但是他们为什么生日宴会把它给杀了呢? ”?

    "I know all that," the child sobbed. "But why did they have to shoot him at his birthday party?"


  • 几天里分别在宴会担任了婚宴及生日宴的服务员有幸去往长春市博会奥迪展区VIP专区提供服务

    In these days, I served as a waiter in the banquet hall, and had the pleasure to go to the Changchun Expo Audi Pavilion VIP area to provide services.


  • 不管怎样家人可不这么……他们我的生日开了个“惊喜宴会”,并且相信,他们真的快乐的吃了一

    Anyway, my family didn't think that way... they made a 'surprise party' for my birthday and believe me, they REALLY pleasantly surprised me.


  • 妈妈可以生日宴会笔记本因为它们一样价格

    Mom said I could get either a birthday party or a laptop, because they are the same price.


  • 发现宴会好多桃子形状东西比如生日蛋糕桃子的,上水果也是桃子

    I've found a lot of things were in the shape of peach, for example, the birthday cake is in shape of a peach and the fruit served are peaches.


  • 比尔生日宴会给比尔搞了恶作剧大家捧腹大笑。

    I played a practical joke at Bill's birthday party and we all had a god laugh at Bill's expense.


  • 本来参加生日宴会当时太多

    I wanted to come to your birthday party, but a had a lot of work to do then.


  • 朋友保罗说:“彼德星期六举办生日宴会吗?”

    One day his friend Paul said to him, "im going to have a birthday party on Saturday, Peter. Can you you come?"


  • 就象昨天所提到的,这个周末母亲举行一个小型生日宴会

    As I mentioned yesterday, I '; m having a small dinner party for my mother '; s birthday this weekend.


  • ,最近奶奶生日宴会亲戚照片

    What I sent to you is the picture taken on my granny's birthday party with my relative.


  • 朋友保罗说:“彼德星期六举办生日宴会吗?”

    One day his friend Paul said to him, "I'm going to have a birthday party on Saturday, Peter. Can you you come?"


  • 明天女儿生日打算饭店她举行一次生日宴会

    Tomorrow is my daughter's birth day and we are going to have a birth day party in the hotel.


  • 95- 96赛季期间在克罗巴度过了许多时间,而且季后赛期间在那里举行了三十五生日宴会——次难以忘怀的生日经历

    I spent a lot of time at Crobar during the 95-96 season and I had my thirty-fifth birthday party there during the playoffs, which was pretty much the ultimate partying experience.


  • 去年自己二十一岁生日大的宴会所以今年没有这个计划了,没有期待去年相似的事情

    Last year I made a huge party for my 21st birthday, so I didn't plan nor expected anything similar this year.


  • 马尔蒂尼当时解释道:“目前还没有续约但是比利·科斯塔库塔生日宴会加利亚尼聊过了,是否达成了一个协议。”

    Maldini then explained: 'I have not signed yet but during the party for Billy Costacurta I have spoken with Adriano Galliani and we have come to an agreement for another year.


  • 麦琪了,那天十六岁生日宴会

    Maggie: Grounded. Forget the fact it was Vicky Tamara's sweet sixteen party.


  • 发现他们说:“如果你们真的尊重,就准备生日宴会动物放生吧。”

    When he found out, he told them, "If you respect me, use the money for the party to buy animals to set free."


  • 13了。昨天生日我的父母举行了生日宴会邀请一些朋友参加。早晨妈妈很早就起床开始做饭,爸爸帮。他们忙得没有时间和说话。

    I am 13 years old now. Yesterday was my birthday. My parents had a birthday party. I invited some friends to the party.


  • 昨天13岁生日我的父母举办生日宴会邀请了我的朋友参加。

    Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. My parents had a birthday party for me. I invited my friends to my party.


  • 是个农村孩子直到高中年级,也没过过生日因为父母根本没有心思闲钱举办一次生日宴会

    I was a rural child, until I read the third year high school, I have not had a birthday party, because my parents were in no mood and have no extra money to hold a birthday party for me.


  • 昨天13岁生日我的父母举办生日宴会约请了我的朋友参加。

    Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. My parents had a birthday party for me. I invited my friends to my party.


  • 昨天13岁生日我的父母举办生日宴会约请了我的朋友参加。

    Yesterday was my thirteenth birthday. My parents had a birthday party for me. I invited my friends to my party.


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