• 看到这些美丽的自然景色和乡村景色的照片时,会想起我的童年

    I'll think of my childhood the minute I see these photos of the beauty of nature and the countryside.


  • 儿子问起我的童年时,告诉他那时在河里钓鱼是多么愉快,人们是多么健康。

    When my son asks me about my childhood, I tell him about how pleasant it was to fish in the rivers and how healthy people were.


  • 我的童年早期,经常惊讶于我的父亲工作艰辛却赚钱很少。

    In my early childhood, I was often surprised when I saw my father making a small number of money with difficulty.


  • 童年伦敦南部的斯特里塔姆公园爬树度过的。

    I spent my boyhood climbing trees on Streatham Common, South London.


  • 父亲是个业余画家艺术书籍我的童年时代起了很大作用

    My father was a sunday painter, and his art books played a formative role in my childhood.


  • 蔡美儿两个女儿经历使想起了童年

    The experience of Chua's two daughters reminds me of my childhood.


  • 的童年早期非常艰难,那时发生事情真正磨练

    I had a very difficult early childhood and there were things that happened to me that really hardened me.


  • 童年并不快乐知道作为父亲是否会快乐。

    I cannot imagine it. I'm not so happy as a kid, and I don't know if I could be happy as a father.


  • 童年普通开始父母亲都搞不懂到底做什么

    I had a very normal childhood. I think at first my parents wondered what on earth I was doing.


  • 电影引发问题的童年玩具也会某个地方的垃圾堆呼喊我的名字吗?

    Questions This Movie Will Raise: Are my childhood toys calling out my name in some trash heap?


  • 这里度过童年很多朋友认识这里所有孩子

    I spend my childhood here, I make many friends, I get to know all the children here.


  • 喜欢康普查,喜欢吃冰沙,还喜欢吃燕麦因为想起童年

    I like to drink my kombucha, I like smoothies, and I genuinely love oatmeal because it reminds me of childhood.


  • 童年时光大约12个月这个段时间学习很多知识生活习惯

    My childhood is about 12 months, I am learning and building up my habit during this time.


  • 的童年美好由于年幼无知一件令至今不能忘记的事。 罹。

    My childhood was good, but because of the young and foolish, I have done something I still can't forget.


  • 认为的童年天真的,快乐的,无暇的和美好的。当然大部分都有同样感触

    I deemed my childhood was naive and happy; innocent and wonderful. Absolutely considerable people have the same feeling.


  • 童年芝加哥度过的那段日子,父母没有生活在一起我的母亲开始滥用药品

    My mother and father weren’t together when I was a kid growing up in Chicago, and early on my mother fell victim to drug abuse.


  • 童年是在伦敦南部的StreathamCommon度过的,小时候很喜欢爬树。

    I spent my boyhood climbing trees on Streatham Common South London.


  • 书写的童年时光自然轻松的,”1996年接受《墨西哥圣塔报》的采访时如是说。

    "Writing about my childhood was so much easier," she told The Santa Fe New Mexican in 1996.


  • 当然诅咒,怎么出生这么一个偏远村庄一条晶莹剔透的河边度过的童年

    Of course, I was blessed to be born in that remote village, and to spend my childhood by the crystal clear river.


  • 随着成长父亲讲述的故事的童年记忆占据越来越重要的地位,甚至超过了我的玩具娃娃彩色画册

    As I grew up, Dad's stories seemed to belong more and more to my childhood, put away with my dolls and coloring books.


  • 回想一切,童年孩子童年是多么相似我的父亲需要时候,他出现了,这有机会过上更好的生活

    Looking back, I now see so many similarities between my own childhood and that of my sons. My father stepped in when I needed him, and that gave me the chance for a better life.


  • “这儿的乡民都是的童年朋友看到他们仍如此艰难谋生让感到心痛,”Yoying回忆到:“必须改善他们的生活而尽力。”

    “The residents were my childhood friends and it pained me to see how difficult their lives had become,” recalls Yoying. “I knew I had to try to improve their lives.”


  • 想想这个童年不可思议如果没有花费时间在尝试人们感到惊讶取悦他们的话(沿着妈妈的路),可能会更早点意识童年精彩

    Come to think of it, my childhood was wonderfully weird, and if I hadn't spent my time trying to shock and amaze people (and keep pace with my mother), I might have realized it earlier.


  • 至今为止,童年欧洲中心城市来来往往中度过的,因此,菲尔德博物馆还是比较符合心目中“博物馆”这个概念的,不过半圆形石头建筑没什么特别的

    I had spent my childhood thus far being carted around the capital cities of Europe, so the Field Museum satisfied my idea of "Museum," but its domed stone facade was nothing exceptional.


  • 难过,因为觉得无忧无虑美好童年生活结束了。

    I was heartsick, for I felt that the splendid years of my carefree childhood had come to an end.


  • 海滨使联想童年假期各种愉快情景。

    The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.


  • 海滨使联想童年假期各种愉快情景。

    The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me.


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