• 亲爱的网友就是这些痴迷寻找评论电邮强大的互动方式沟通的原因。

    That's why I'm so obsessed, these days, with finding more powerful, interactive ways to communicate with you, dear online friends, than through the comments thread or E-mail.


  • 节目组收到Facebook网友提问:“为什么手机通话不和邻居串音呢?”

    An EarthSky Facebook friend asked us, "Why don't cell phone conversations on my phone get mixed up with my neighbor's?"


  • 看到这位网友问题,想起20多年曾经甘肃偏僻山区,一户农民家里妈妈一个盲人但是家里收拾的整整齐齐。

    This reminds me of over 20 years ago, when I visited a farmer's family in remote Gansu. The mother was blind, yet she managed to make her home clean and tidy.


  • 在那里认识了一些很不错的网友但是已经厌倦了这种聊天上网于是决定

    However I have become bored with the typical chat and Internet all together. So, I decided to take a break.


  • 在那里认识了一些很不错的网友但是已经厌倦了这种聊天上网于是决定

    However I have become bored with the typical chat and Internet all together.So, I decided to take a break.


  • 那些网友尤其是通过博客上认识的,无论他们自己写不博客,也不管是不是喜欢写评论,现在都是我的挚友

    The friends I've made onlinefrom blogging in particular, be they other bloggers or commenters on this or my own site – are the best friends I now have.


  • 旧金山度假的途中,得以机会现实生活中与每一网友见面

    I got a chance to actually meet an online friend in real life when I went on vacation to San Francisco.


  • 其实平常不少陌生网友,一般不怎么他们.

    Actually there are lots of net friends joining my QQ every day but I seldom talk with them.


  • 许多网友一贯忽略文字描述联系方式,想象的空间不大足了好奇心,就像一部即将上映电影预告片一样。

    Most online daters I know contend that they ignore wordy profiles or contact emails. Leave a little to the imagination, but give just enough of a teaser - like a good coming attraction for a movie.


  • 另外一糟糕决定1998年尝试网友经营远距离异地恋。

    The other major bad decision I had made during 1998 was attempting long distance relationships with people I met people online.


  • 觉得更好办法解决这个问题,不过还是网友评论里细说吧。

    I'd like to think there's a better way to do it, but maybe we'll save that discussion for the comments section.


  • 网络中,结识了许多要好的网友平时大家一起歪歪频道聚聚,对方空间逛逛有趣的事情

    In the network, I also met many good friends, usually with everyone in the crooked channel together, to the other side of the space around, is all some interesting things.


  • 开通了一些志同道合网友现实中的朋友

    I opened it. I just wanna make some the same interest net friends and reality friend.


  • 飞机只是一个网友没有见过面,心目中占据不可忽略分量

    I am a netizen plane is not met, but in my mind was occupied with the weight can not be ignored.


  • 看见人们成千上万的网友称之为朋友’”,不可能的,Kimmel坚持道

    "I see people with thousands of what they call 'friends,' which is impossible," Kimmel insisted.


  • 原因——原因呀,吧,就是因为昨天一个网友对话吧。

    I think the reason — the reason, ok, is that one dialogue with a new Internet friend yesterday.


  • 位署名邵明波(音译)网友写道:“今晚了,一定看看这个微博的第一幸运追随者。”

    A blogger named Shao Mingbo wrote, "I will keep awake tonight to see who can be the first lucky follower of the account."


  • 比如相比个叫“lolcatzndogz67网友对Bose耳机的评价,愿意拜读cnet音乐电子产品方面的专业评论家意见

    For example, I'm more likely to read and take notice of a review of Bose headphones by a CNET reviewer who specializes in music electronics, than a review written by "lolcatzndogz67".


  • 网友TheLinster为了祝贺-伯德(西雅图风暴队)赢得美国女篮联赛冠军,一票,她无疑是世界优秀后卫

    TheLinster: In honor of her WNBA championship win, I choose Sue Bird, arguably the world’s best point guard.


  • 这个新闻评论更是让感动很多网友都认为最美的80女人也很同意这个观点

    I am more moved is the comment on the news, a lots of friends regards that she is: the most beautiful woman after the 80, I very much agree with this point of view.


  • 还有一些外国网友可以网上英语交谈练习我的口语

    I also have some foreign net friends, we can talk in English on line so I can practice my speaking.


  • 其实网友还是宽容的,‘乌贼其实就是一个好玩话题大家不会当真

    In fact, netizens on I was very tolerant, 'squid Liu' is actually a fun topic, we will not take it seriously.


  • 主持人两位网友考虑都是老师的一个转型问题

    Compere: What I think these two netizens consider is bovine teacher the problem of your transition.


  • 网友一下居的户型平均首付是多少

    Users : I want to ask about one in the Huxing average Shoufu?


  • 希望网友能够容忍特殊出身一切尽快结束

    I wish netizens could tolerate my particular parentage and let it go as soon as possible.


  • 知道自己的“博客鸣冤多久知道来自全国的媒体网友都在关注这个事情

    I do not know what "blog Ming Yuan," how long it can go, but I know from all the media that online are concerned about this matter.


  • 知道自己的“博客鸣冤多久知道来自全国的媒体网友都在关注这个事情

    I do not know what "blog Ming Yuan," how long it can go, but I know from all the media that online are concerned about this matter.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定