• 所以,脑子里面想着工作事情的时候,孩子他一起汽车变成一麻烦事,还不如在一起虚拟世界和他玩玩虚构游戏呢。

    When I've got work on my mind, my son's request to play cars is an annoyance rather than an invitation into the world of imaginative play with my child.


  • 坐在美国舒适办公室,就如何有效地经营虚拟第三世界农场,提高了专业知识水平有什么用呢

    What good does it do that I, sitting comfortably in my office in the United States, have developed a level of expertise regarding how best to manage a fictional 3rd world farm?


  • 事实上,就现在说事来讲不是很喜欢虚拟这个因为一说到“虚拟空间好像在说真实,不重要,只有实实在在的物理空间才是唯一真实世界

    Actually, I don't like the term "virtual" in this context, for it suggests that virtual space is somehow secondary or unreal and that physical space is the only real and true one.


  • “金盆洗 手”多年教你如何虚拟世界扮演火星[译者注:作 者在从事这份工作时,向购买者所做的演示],一不差地背诵那些销售秘诀(如:它仅一杯啤酒的价格等)。

    I can still teach you how to play Red Planet at a Virtual World ten years after I flew my last mission. I can recite the sales pitch word for word.


  • 因此无论是网络世界还是现实中的世界来说都是虚拟的。

    Therefore, whether it is Network world, or the reality of the world, and for me are virtual.


  • 你们那里材料因为你们虚拟现实是世界最好系统之一

    I'd like some materials on what you have because it's one of the best VR systems in the world.


  • 看见虚拟世界中的如何生活工作的。

    I see people living and working in a virtual would.


  • 正在开发款将各种不同人工智能方法结合起来从而控制网上虚拟世界虚拟人类代理人还有控制实体机器人软件程序

    I'm working on creating a software system that combines a variety of different AI methods to control virtual humanoid agents in online virtual worlds, as well as control physical robots.


  • 非常喜欢绘画欣赏她的谦虚善良,正是她帮助努力一个全新虚拟世界生存下来

    I love her paintings very much, but I also appreciate the kindness, modesty of her. Efforts to help me in a new virtual world to survive.


  • 好想离开那个所谓虚拟世界但是彻底离开理由、好吗。

    I want to leave the so-called virtual world but please give me a thorough reasons for leaving.


  • 看到人们虚拟世界生活工作

    I see people living and working in a virtual world.


  • 那时过度沉溺电脑游戏虚拟世界几乎分钟都是电脑前度过的。

    At that time, I immersed myself too much in the virtual world of computer games. I spent practically every minute at my computer.


  • 知道一直存在于虚拟网上世界

    I do not know, he called me and love have always existed only in the virtual online world.


  • 这天加了QQ这个虚拟世界好很温柔

    She added my QQ this day, in this virtual world, he is very very very gentle and soft to me.


  • 来到卡内基·梅隆大学,开了一个建立虚拟世界

    And I created a course, I came to Carnegie Mellon and I created a course called Building Virtual Worlds.


  • 当时还写了一关于设计师陈音凯(音)的文章。这位设计师花了超过12的时间设计真实世界建筑不过现在为“城市小镇设计虚拟住宅

    That's when I wrote a story about Yick Kai-Chan, the game's resident architect who spent over 12 years designing buildings in the real world but now designs all the virtual buildings in CityVille.


  • 记得金融分析师曾说:“美国人们需要虚拟成就来让他们自己感到满意。”他魔兽世界初期成功非常怀疑

    I remember a certain financial analyst said "in America, people don't need virtual accomplishments to feel good about themselves" and was very skeptical about WOW's early success.


  • 而言,认为成功没有捷径的,而且图画下方说明成功的捷径存在于科幻小说的虚拟世界中。

    As to me, I think there is no shortcut to success, and the English characters under the picture also mean that the shortcut to success only exist in the virtual world.


  • 现在添加应该遵守基本道德原则这个虚拟世界

    Now, what I want to add is that we also should obey the primary moral principles in this virtual world.


  • 现实世界大雨倾盆的时候,是创造出了一个虚拟世界躲避风雨。

    It created a virtual world that I could dwell in when the real world is raining hard.


  • 在现今的网络世界里,许多虚拟空间认识人抱着怀疑的眼光和态度,希望这里我的真诚来结交群志同道合的朋友!

    While most people are skeptical about true identities of people over the virtual space, I do sincerely hope I can meet a few good chaps over here .


  • 是的-是的,这个星球上最爱孤独的心在那里来自世界各地疯狂地敲打键盘上发出一个虚拟信息满足希望终于找到快乐

    Yes - yes, most of this planet of love, where lonely hearts from across the world frantically banging on the keyboard, sending a virtual message hoping to meet my love and finally find happiness.


  • 是的-是的,这个星球上最爱孤独的心在那里来自世界各地疯狂地敲打键盘上发出一个虚拟信息满足希望终于找到快乐

    Yes - yes, most of this planet of love, where lonely hearts from across the world frantically banging on the keyboard, sending a virtual message hoping to meet my love and finally find happiness.


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