• 英语口语也很差

    My spoken English was also weak.


  • 其实觉得谦虚老是大学混日子,英语,可是就算没有见过也觉得她的外语肯定不会差的

    As a matter of fact, I find she is very modest and always says that she did not study hard in college and her English is extremely poor.


  • 不敢公开场合英语因为语音语调糟糕英语成绩很差语法一塌糊涂。

    I dared not speak English aloud in public because of my poor pronunciation and intonation. I could not get high marks and grammar was not right at all.


  • 坎贝尔:“他们只是觉得,‘英语不想也不想学英语已经会西班牙语就够了。’”

    DOMINIC CAMPBELL: "They just think, you know, 'My English is poor, I don't want to speak it, I don't want to learn how to speak it. I've got Spanish, that's all I need.'"


  • 高兴在这里大家交流尽管英语不好记忆力

    I'm very glad to stand here and exchange my opinions, though my English is not good. My memory is very poor too.


  • 首先决定最大的努力学习英语因为英语很影响了的其他科目

    Firstly, I decide to try my best to learn English. Because my English so poor that it affects my other subject.


  • 今天悠闲一天虽然学习英语但是效果还是一般,最主要口语,但是还是一些

    Today is the day I am very relaxed, although in learning English, but the effect is general, is mainly spoken very bad, but I Erjie or better than some.


  • 话说前面其实英语差的但是佩服位版主坚持你们值得学习

    Saying in front of, in fact, my English very poor, but very much admired the insistence of the two moderators, you are worthy of our study.


  • 英语很差正在这里学习英语指出语句中的错误谢谢

    My English is poor. I'm learning English here. You are very kind if you point out my shortcomings. Thank you very much.


  • 实话说以前英语别人来说简单一些问题觉得难,幸运的是每次可爱的同学来帮助

    To tell you the truth secretly, my English was very poor. And I often came across some questions that seemed easy for others. Luckily, every time I got help from my lovely classmates.


  • 办法听到自己的声音知道英语口语很差

    I was unable to hear my own sounds, but I knew very well that I spoke English poorly.


  • 暑假时间学习英语因为语法每当要说一个句子的时候担心自己不会说

    I want that time that take advantage o the summer vacation studies English more, is badly because of my phrasing, whenever say that a time of sentence all worries the oneself can speak amiss.


  • 英语听力很差主要不能听到的词做出反应。

    I still have problems with my listening comprehension. My biggest problem is that I cannot respond correctly to what I hear.


  • 喜欢英文歌曲摇滚或者朋克的,熟练尽量英语收效

    I like to listen to English songs, rock or punk, and I can sing fluent, despite my poor English results.


  • 悬赏帮翻译英语英语成绩但是学好的爱好电影小说的目标是考上理想学校

    My English was bad, but I want to learn well. Watching film and reading novel is my hobby, going to a ideal college is my goal.


  • 坎贝尔:“他们只是觉得,‘英语不想也不想学英语已经会西班牙语就够。’”

    DOMINIC CAMPBELL: "They just think, you know, 'My English is poor, I don't want to speak it, I don't want to learn how to speak it. I've got Spanish, that's all I need."


  • 坎贝尔:“他们只是觉得,‘英语不想也不想学英语已经会西班牙语就够。’”

    DOMINIC CAMPBELL: "They just think, you know, 'My English is poor, I don't want to speak it, I don't want to learn how to speak it. I've got Spanish, that's all I need."


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