• 记得妈妈说,一辈子梦想就是飞机一次大海

    I remember that mother ever told me that her lifelong dream is to take a plane and see the sea.


  • 乔治记得迈克尔突然说:“妈妈,你是怎么认得的?”

    O George, do you remember Michael suddenly said to me, "How did you get to know me, mother?"


  • 哈利从来没有离开过。”这位来自基德明斯特的蔬菜水果商,“记得有个警察们家,这个消息告诉爸爸妈妈。”

    "Harry has never left our thoughts," said the former greengrocer, from Kidderminster, "I remember a policeman came to our door to give mum and dad the news."


  • 仍然记得快乐的童年那时妈妈周末迪斯尼乐园

    I still remember my happy childhood when my mother would take me to Disneyland at weekends.


  • 仍然想念妈妈,并且清晰地记得那些的不耐烦生活变得痛苦的时刻。

    I missed my mom still and remembered with melancholy clarity the moments when I'd used my impatience to make her life miserable.


  • 记得上钢琴课,妈妈忧心忡忡地对爸爸说:“练习这么多,他怎么没进步?”

    I still remembered when I took my piano lessons, my mother said worriedly to my father, "Why hasn't he made any progress with so much practice?"


  • 记得看到妈妈早上为们煎培根,她总会小心翼翼地取出油,倒进瓶子里。

    I also remember when I watched my mum fry bacon for us in the mornings, she would always take the oil carefully and pour it into a bottle.


  • 记得那天晚上跟他说了什么,但我记得看着他在饼干上涂黄油,然后吃光了所有的饼干!当从桌子边站起来的时候,听到妈妈为弄焦饼干向爸爸道歉。

    I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him put butter on the biscuits and eat all of them! When I got up from the table, I heard my mom say sorry to my dad for burning the biscuits.


  • 还是个小女孩的时候,我记得妈妈或奶奶从来都没有浪费过食物。

    When I was a girl growing up, I cannot once ever remember either my mum or my grandma wasting food.


  • 天晚上,起身离桌时,我记得听到妈妈为烤焦面包向爸爸道歉。

    When I got up from the table that evening, I remembered hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast.


  • 记得很多年以前安娜妈妈送进养老院里,”那个女人,“也许你可以去那里找找看,兴许能找着这个人。”

    "I remember that Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home some years ago, " the woman said.


  • 记得妈妈不要头发因为上瘾了

    I remember my mother telling me never to color my hair because once you start, you won't stop.


  • 记得自己是个小孩子的时候,可以一连几个小时呢(当然妈妈记忆可能会偏差)。

    When I was a kid I remember playing with play dough for hours (although my mom may remember it differently).


  • 记得自己十几岁的时候一次顶撞妈妈原因哥哥晚上开车出去,妈妈从不允许开车

    I remember having one teenage confrontation with my mother because my older brother was out driving at night but I was never allowed to drive myself.


  • 记得妈妈描述这个活动多么有趣我记得一直想着选择什么颜色图案

    I remembered telling my mom how much fun it was going to be, and I imagined what colors and designs I would choose.


  • 这位明尼苏达的55岁奶奶:“记得以前妈妈穿针穿不过的时候。

    The 55-year-old, from Minnesota, said: 'I remember laughing as my mom struggled to thread a needle.


  • 一定记得迈克永远离开天,妈妈电话尖叫道迈克已经死了的时候,只是问道‘是谁的?’

    You must remember from the day that I found out that Michael was no longer with us, when my mother screamed 'he's dead' on the phone, I just went into this, 'Who did it?


  • 醒来时记得完令人头晕目眩的区分鲸鱼讲座后妈妈脸上表情

    I awoke remembering the expression on her face after I'd finished my dizzying whale lecture.


  • 只是知道无论发生什么事,都会Ilaria抚养长大,让成为让你感到自豪人,同时让她永远记得妈妈多么特别

    I just want you to know that whatever happens I will bring up Ilaria in a way you would have been proud of - and she will always know how special her mummy was.


  • 记得有一次妈妈不小心将水到了脸上有些灌到了鼻子里哇哇大哭。

    Remember once, my mother accidentally splashed water to my face, some pouring into the nose, I started crying.


  • ,"妈妈打来的,"记得已经告诉过关于埃迪森的事,那个隔壁的新邻居。克拉拉·埃迪森一直请求请你晚上去她那儿玩牌。"

    One day,my phone rang."Don,"it was my mother."You know I told you about the Addisonwho moved in next door to us.Well,Clara Addison keeps asking me to in-vite you over for cards some night."


  • 记得有一了,好多,他问妈妈疯了么?”

    One especially trying day, after I'd yelled a lot, she asked, 'Is Mama mad?'


  • 记得有时候家里听到叫嚷声感受到妈妈痛苦

    'I remember times in my house when I would hear screams and I would hear my mother's pain.'


  • 祝贺你的速度可真够的。记得过去一直宣称要丁克族,现在已经是个兴高采烈妈妈了。

    Congratulations! How soon! I still remember your claim as a DINK member, but now you sound so excited as a mother.


  • 记得有关妈妈一个故事是,她小时候经常一些、别人无法回答问题并且梦想有一天成为成功专家

    I remembered the stories of my mother as a child, always asking the unanswerable question and dreaming to be the successful professional.


  • 妈妈节日快乐每天快乐。记得要多多保重身体,在这里记挂着

    Mom, happy holidays. Happy every day. Remember to take good care of yourself a lot, I am here miss you.


  • 记得两三家里经济困难为了生活妈妈离开另外一个城市打工

    Remember, when I was two or three, economic difficulties in the home, in order to life, mother left me to work in another city.


  • 记得两三家里经济困难为了生活妈妈离开另外一个城市打工

    Remember, when I was two or three, economic difficulties in the home, in order to life, mother left me to work in another city.


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