• 记得当时数学平庸解决数学问题方面很优秀

    I remembered that my mathematics was mediocre at that time, but he was excellent at solving mathematics questions.


  • 记得当时拿着一杯咖啡正在恳求试图她接受她的学生。

    I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student.


  • 几乎不记得年前一天一切我记得当时感到非常愤怒

    I hardly remember everything of that day six years ago, but I do remember that I was feeling very angry.


  • 参加了考试并且感到内心十分平和,记得当时的成绩是多少了,但那天发生的事情一直存在在的心里,印在的脑海中。

    I took the test and felt peaceful, I don't remember what my grade was, but what happened that day has stayed in my heart and mind ever since.


  • 对于教士这件事怎么的,你当时是怎样想到记得当时父母神学院时,所以们的这种经历是类似的。

    So how do you feel call to this, but how did you like to say, I remember when I told my parents I was going to seminary, So I think there is a similar identity.


  • 得到了一个名字缩写钥匙记得当时觉得背后想法多么地令人感动。

    I received a key chain with my initials, and I remember thinking that the idea behind it was so lovely.


  • 记得当时感觉,那种杂货店看着所有昂贵食品然后心里想着可以拿走所有想要的”时的感觉,拥有巨大权利时的兴奋感觉。

    I remember going round a grocery store and looking at all the expensive food, thinking, "I can have anything I want." It was an amazing feeling of power.


  • 虽然客观上讲,植入导管并非所经历糟糕事情,但至今依然清楚地记得当时感受到那种痛苦,仅仅是因为为什么需要植入导管以及植入时间需要长的不确定感

    Although this was, objectively, far from the worst thing I experienced, I recall vividly the anguish I felt, simply because of the uncertainty about why and for how long the catheter would be needed.


  • 1999年大学里发起音乐教学项目记得当时窘境努力召集首批志愿者

    When I started a music mentoring program in college back in 1999, I remember the struggle we had, trying to get our first group of volunteers together.


  • 看见阔别某人要拥抱他们记得当时就像这个情景,想要触碰的前夫,不想

    And I remember like, when you see someone you haven't seen in a while, you want to hug them, and I remember trying to reach out to my ex-husband, and he would not take my hand.


  • 几年法国人经历了一段短暂热恋后,记得当时好几上班时跑盥洗室哭泣为了不让同事注意到的失态,每次都重整下妆容,恢复镇静后在回到办公桌。

    During a brief but rather torrid affair with a Frenchman a few years ago, I remember making several visits to the bathroom at work to have a good cry.


  • 记得当时一杯咖啡恳求试图接受说:“朱迪做事儿挺麻利的。”

    And I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student, and I was saying, "Judy, I'll get a lot done."


  • 记得当初MySpace欢迎程度极高时候,称为“关系杀手”。 当时听见了笑而不语。

    I remember when MySpace was at its height of popularity it was referred to as a “relationship killer.”


  • 记得当时不停的:“如果继承性侏儒症长大了,他吗?”

    I remember thinking, "If he has inherited dwarfism, it will be my fault. When he is older, will he blame me and resent me for it?"


  • 记得当时觉得这样调用eval非常丑陋做法,那会儿想不出更好的方式实现这样的效果;因此代码到了博客中,等待别人的指摘;他们很快就做出了回应,并给出下面的做法。

    I remember feeling like the call to eval was ugly, but at the time I couldn't think of another way to complete the task. I posted the code on my blog for all to criticize, and they quickly did.


  • 记得当时大吃一惊然后打电话给家里妻子启动家里计算机LotusDomino服务

    I can remember feeling gobsmacked, and then calling my wife at home to ask her to start the Lotus Domino services on the home computer.


  • 记得当时面临管理挑战,听说两个人吵了起来,下属,另外一个是财政部门的一位女士。,a,guy

    And I remember my big management challenge during that period was I heard of shouting match between one of the two engineers who reported to me and a woman in finance.


  • 记得当时听到母亲这样说时,真的去看镜子发现真实内心深处受伤

    I remembered hurting deeply as I listened to my mother and really looked in the mirror discovering the truth myself.


  • 记得当时有任何嘉宾在那儿:“是个本性善良球员只有痛骂所作所为,同意那个犯规。

    I don't remember any pundit saying "He's not that kind of player", only slamming him for what was, I agree, a bad challenge.


  • 记得当时目光的眼之间流转。

    I remember him looking back and forth between my eyes and my lips.


  • 记得当时考虑一类谈判1980年教训永远陷入这场游戏中。

    I remember when I was taking a class in negotiations in 1980 and learned never to get caught in this game.


  • 走过来握手目光相遇记得当时在想,“哇哦赞了。”

    That she walked by and she shook my hand and our eyes connected and I just remember having this moment where I thought, 'Wow, this is amazing.


  • 科比个人纪录片《科比缪斯》中回忆起当年的那个场景时说:“记得当时片肃静我记得恐惧感觉……可能就是(职业生涯的)终点。”

    "I remember feeling the silence. I remember feeling the fearThis can be the end, " Bryant recalled in his documentary, Kobe Bryant's Muse.


  • 从没向人开过但是别人告诉司法程序介入时,准确地记得当时具体为什么相信正确

    I have never shot anybody, but I am told that a justification kicks in, the memory of exactly why you believed it was precisely the right thing to do at the time.


  • 从没向人开过但是别人告诉司法程序介入时,准确地记得当时具体为什么相信正确

    I have never shot anybody, but I am told that a justification kicks in, the memory of exactly why you believed it was precisely the right thing to do at the time.


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