• 一向守规矩——记得很清楚——是个漂亮的姑娘值得称赞

    She was ever strict--I remember it well--a goodly wench and worthy all commendation.


  • 海瑟哈姆雷特记得很清楚

    Heather: I think I remember Hamlet accurately.


  • 记得很清楚没有钱给

    I remember vividly he didn't return me the money.


  • 记得清楚一个风雨交加夜晚发烧了。

    I remember it clearly, one night, I was caught in a pouring rain, and then I suffered from a high fever.


  • 车运那天底特律下着记得清楚一路和一起呆货车里

    It was raining that day in Detroit when it came in, I remember it well. It sat in a carrier all by itself.


  • 记得很清楚得亮亮的橡木盒子固定在楼梯下方平台的墙壁

    I remember well the polished oak case fastened to the wall on the lower stair landing.


  • 记得清楚孙子出生的时候,立刻爱上那些宝贵奇妙的人类

    I remember very well, when my grandchildren were born, I immediately fell in love with those precious and wonderful little human beings!


  • 记得清楚,以前,湛蓝天空鸟儿歌唱月光鲜花从未心驰神往过。

    I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.


  • 记得清楚场景,下一个场景里卢克-,自己装了假手,所有人都没提起事了。

    The very next scene, it always remains me, the very next scene Luke's got-- an artificial hand has been attached to his body and the neighbour never mentioned it again.


  • 记得清楚中学老师过,是个棱角尖利的石头不过随着年龄的增长变成光滑鹅卵石

    I remember quite clearly one of my middle-school teachers telling me that I was a stone with sharp, jagged edges, but that I would turn into a smooth river stone as I grew older, ” Mr. Zhao said.


  • 记得很清楚相片母亲1982年拍摄的,是在Hampshire家前院外面照的。

    I remembered clearly: this photograph was taken by my mother in 1982, outside our front garden in Hampshire.


  • 不过真的没有想到在一起的岁月如此短暂23们初次相遇(卡卡溪区域公园我记得很清楚)死去,短短的23年。太短了。

    However, I didn't think our time together would be so short: 23 years from our first meeting (at Kanaka Creek Regional Park, I'm pretty sure) until I died?


  • 记得清楚,彷佛昨天发生的事”,69岁的东区居民露丝。班迪克在1982年1024日,观看纽约市马拉松大赛皮夹人扒走的事。

    "I remember it like it was yesterday," said Upper East side resident Ruth Bendik, 69, referring to Oct. 24, 1982, when her wallet was snatched as she watched the New York City Marathon.


  • 记得很清楚费了多大劲,祈求先神“大地,天空”帮助,扩展的知觉的范围。难说清楚如何感受或是如何的,一点确定的:搞清楚字义不是人类理解力重要功能

    How I felt or thought it is difficult to express clearly, but this much is certain that to be clear about the meaning of words is not the most important function of the human understanding.


  • 清楚记得时候祖父低头微笑的情景。

    I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small.


  • 知道弗劳尔斯的任何磁带的任何内容,但是这些电话谈话记得很清楚,不认为其中有什么会对造成不利影响的内容。

    We didn’t know what was on whatever tapes Flowers might have, but I remembered the conversations clearly, and I didn’t think there could be anything damaging on them.


  • 至今记得很清楚天,美发店回家头发了,原先那头美丽不见了。

    I'll never forget the day she came home from the beauty shop with short hair, all her beautiful waves gone.


  • 凯思金德斯顿的到访。孩子们几乎肯定不会在乎他们鹅绒被下面还是旧式橙色尼龙睡袋里,那些睡袋儿时记得很清楚

    Your children almost certainly won't care whether they're sleeping under goose down or those old-fashioned orange nylon sleeping bags I remember well from my own childhood.


  • 虽然机会30年前这个著名艺术家仍然记得清楚6

    Although my chance with this famous artist was 30 years ago, I still remember it very well. 6.


  • 记得清楚一个下午完成了其他唱歌人们圣诞前夕美国做什么

    I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we finished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve.


  • 记得清楚一个下午完成了其他唱歌人们圣诞前夕美国做什么

    I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we finished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve.


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