• 企业培训体系能力强弱直接关乎战略人力资源开发影响企业核心竞争力关键因素

    The ability of enterprise training system, strong or weak, directly relate to the strategic human resource developement. It's a important factor which influences the core competence of enterprise.


  • 现代企业人力资源开发具有重要战略意义

    Exploiting human resources of modern enterprises possesses a great strategic meaning.


  • 当前我国企业员工迫切需要树立创造市场、科技先行、信息增值、品牌战略、资产经营、知识产权自主、人力资源开发新的思想观念

    At present, enterprise staff in our country urgently need to acquire some new senses such as creating market, information increment and human resource development et.


  • 战略人力资源管理几种方法已经组织采用招聘竞选开发人力资源奖励措施

    Several methods of the strategic human resource management have been used by organisation, such as recruitment, selection, developing human resource, and rewards.


  • 企业保持人才优势,就必须持续地进行人力资源开发加强员工培训,提升员工的素质,最终达到增强企业竞争力实现企业的战略规划的目的。

    To keep its advantage in HR, an enterprise has to continuously improve its employees' competence by training and developing, thereby enhance its competitive power and fulfill its strategy.


  • 员工绩效管理特有战略、管理开发功能成为企业人力资源管理的核心内容。

    Staff performance management has become the core of the human resource management because of its functions of strategy, management and development.


  • 企业知识管理战略企业所需要开发应用知识以及人力资源结构建立一个概念化景。

    Knowledge management strategy of the enterprises should establish a conceptual vision for human resource structure and knowledge that needs to be exploited and applied by the enterprises.


  • 现代企业管理薪酬不仅仅传统企业生产成本支出,而是企业人力资源开发战略紧密相联的管理要素

    In modern enterprise management, compensation administration is more a key factor closely connected with enterprise human resource management strategy than just a kind of cost.


  • 文章战略高度提出建设优秀的企业文化开发人力资源问题

    This paper also brought forward the question of building excellent enterprise culture and developing manpower resource.


  • 如何帮助企业人力资源管理开发水平上实现跨越式提升使实现企业的经营战略目标发挥积极作用呢?

    How can we help them realize rapidly progress in level of human resource management, and make it exhibit positive effect to realize enterprise's strategy aim?


  • 文章分析了当前安徽省人力资源开发上的弊端提出了相应人力资源开发战略政策建议

    This article analyses the current human resources development in Anhui Province defects, and made the corresponding human resources development strategy and policy recommendations.


  • 树立自身品牌加强系统化人力资源开发战略

    Developing core competence Establishing own brand Enhancing systematized human resource developing strategy;


  • 人才开发管理战略技术方面人力资源管理人员经历管理模式转变

    There is a paradigm shift in the way human resources managers are defining their mission and measuring their success, which embraces the concepts and techniques of talent development and management.


  • 开发人力资源加强人力资源能力建设成为当前今后段时期必须解决重大战略问题

    Develop the human resources, strengthen human capacity building, has already become very a period of great strategic problems which must be solved in period long at present and in the future.


  • 因此篇文章关注点人力资源管理所扮演战略角色人力资源开发组织发挥作用方式。同时还讨论了在实现有效的人力资源管理中遇到的挑战和障碍。

    This essay therefore looks at the strategic roles of human resource management and ways in which a strategic approach to human resource development can play a strategic role within an organization.


  • 招聘工作人力资源管理第一关,也是有效人力资源开发利用、实现人力资源管理和企业战略相匹配第一步。

    Recruitment is the first step to manage human resources and to make an effective development and unitilization in human resources that is fit for the company's strategies.


  • 组织战略目标制定相应人力资源管理战略规划实现组织战略目标进行人力资源获取使用保持开发评估激励

    The plan of HRM strategy are made from the team's strategy goal, and are being got, used, kept, developed, estimated and stimulate of HR in order to achieve the strategy goal of the team.


  • 组织战略目标制定相应人力资源管理战略规划实现组织战略目标进行人力资源获取使用保持开发评估激励

    The plan of HRM strategy are made from the team's strategy goal, and are being got, used, kept, developed, estimated and stimulate of HR in order to achieve the strategy goal of the team.


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