This literature research evaluates status of strategic management research about transition economies.
Industrial cluster is an organization in special form. And we can use strategic management theory concerning the organization competition theory so as to probe the competition of industrial clusters.
The research of dynamic competition is a fast - developing branch of strategic management theory since of 1980s early, and at-tracting increasing attention from abroad and home.
The paper aims at making efforts to work out a specific strategy for ZhenHua's overseas construction project contracting business by using the theories and methods of Strategic Management.
Yet, on the contrary to studies in other disciplines, studies in the discipline of strategic management often overlooks to make linkages from 'what is' to' what ought to be '.
To uses the Kuhnian terminology, is it a pre-paradigm or post-paradigm or, to use the Lakatosian’s, is it an immature or mature science?
Information management is the discipline of applying sound management principles to information as a strategic resource of the enterprise.
This article has analyzed the marketing status of credit card industry by employing the theories as management, marketing, brand management, strategic management and bank credit, etc.
Strategic alliance becomes the focus and hot topic of management and business enterprises as it is put forward.
A faculty member since 1990 and a two-time winner of the Distinguished Teaching Award from MBA students, he has taught management, strategy, entrepreneurship, and e-commerce.
In order to improve the low efficency of enter prise organise and the decline of social economy, many management scientists proposed enterprise organization flatness as a new management stragety.
One lab study compared the performance of mba students with that of computerized profit maximizing pricing strategies.
This thesis discussed the Marketing strategy of the Server products in the Chinese Market, by using several management theories.
This paper makes use of the theory of marketing, corporation strategy and management, connection is actual, bring upped the marketing strategy that suits company's characteristic to sell.
Constructing enterprise tax planning strategic management system can help enterprises carry on overall and systematic control of the tax planning in the height of strategy.
The research of international competitiveness belongs to the field of strategic research.
Management, economics, enterprise strategy plan and strategy management are the theory gist to research Yin Kou port low cost strategy.
This paper USES Porter's theory of competitive strategy and basic models and tools of management to analyze the competitive strategy of the real estate enterprises in Xi 'an.
As a result, strategic alliance is gaining more and more attentions from researchers and enterprises.
As a result, strategic alliance is gaining more and more attentions from researchers and enterprises.