• 引入课程新的教学方法;80%教师开始采用符合全国教育战略要求的新方法。

    Introduction of new curricula and teaching methods; 80% of teachers have started using new methodologies in line with national education strategy.


  • 关键客户管理战略要求我们懂得更多关键客户需求行为以便他们建立更加牢固长期关系

    It's a strategy to learn more about KA's needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them.


  • 我们战略要求我们成为一个提供解决方案银行贫困人口产生的成效作为我们的主要基准

    Our strategy calls for us to become a Solutions Bank with results for the poor as our central benchmark.


  • 通过测评结果分析得出青岛市土地中心人才素质综合得分不能适应岗位及其战略要求的结论。

    Through the analysis of test results, Qingdao city's land center of talents cannot adapt to its comprehensive scoring position and strategic requirements.


  • 基于中国—东盟信息源特殊属性架构信息交流中心;立足中国—东盟信息枢纽战略要求规划未来。

    Information exchange center will be set up based on the special position of China-ASEAN information source.


  • 国家引入实施儿童疾病综合管理战略一个分阶段过程要求卫生规划和服务中做大量协调工作

    Introducing and implementing the IMCI strategy in a country is a phased process that requires a great deal of coordination among existing health programmes and services.


  • 应该基于总体战略远景当前soa成熟度级别得出要求选择入口

    You should choose that entry point based on the requirements derived from your overall strategic vision and current level of SOA maturity.


  • 作为公司战略人员如CIOCTO们需要经常理解商业然而这个要求现在也降临到了IT职员身上。

    As strategic players in the organization, CIOs and CTOs have always had to understand the business. This requirement, however, is trickling down to other IT players, as well.


  • 我们战略首先要求我们认识到,我们在国外的力量影响力始于我们国内采取步骤

    Our strategy starts by recognizing that our strength and influence abroad begins with the steps we take at home.


  • 然而巴基斯坦官员指责美国正在策划巴基斯坦建立一种交易关系”,要求转为战略联盟的关系。

    Yet Pakistani officials criticise America for conducting a "transactional relationship" with Pakistan and demand that it shift towards a strategic alliance.


  • 企业级别SOA设计通常要求SOA成为企业体系结构战略规划执行层主要支持框架

    SOA design at an enterprise level typically requires that SOA becomes a key enabling framework for the strategy, planning, and execution layers of enterprise architecture.


  • 而且一般情况下,不应该国家群体分类,因为每个国家要求战略各不相同

    And, in general, countries shouldn't be clumped together because each requires a distinct strategy.


  • 界定RSS营销技术要求选择合适供应商必须支持战略所有特征

    Defining your RSS marketing technology requirements and selecting the appropriate vendor to supply you with all the features you need to support your strategy.


  • 美国希望建立长期军事基地但阿富汗这些要求使美阿两国的战略合作协议无法达成

    Afghan demands are holding up the conclusion of a strategic-partnership deal in which the United States hopes to secure long-term bases.


  • 赞同约翰·肯尼迪罗纳德·里根远见要求采取遏制武器扩散战略寻求没有核武器的世界

    I've embraced the vision of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan through a strategy that reverses the spread of these weapons and seeks a world without them.


  • 要求烟草包装有警示一种简便廉价有效战略大规模地减少烟草使用拯救生命

    Requiring warnings on tobacco packages is a simple, cheap and effective strategy that can vastly reduce tobacco use and save lives.


  • 例如世行可能要求议员参加关于世行政策国别援助战略公开磋商会

    For example, the Bank regularly engages members of parliament to contribute to consultations on Bank policies or country assistance strategies.


  • 战略更加重视速度规划细节,要求各村粗略评估受灾情况确定受灾地区范围

    The strategy valued speed over detailed planning. It asked villages to assess roughly what had been destroyed and identify their boundaries.


  • 竞争激烈市场中,内SEO战略重要一部分同时它也是最难处理的,因为要求投入大量的人力

    Inbound links are arguably the most important part of an SEO strategy in a competitive field, and the most difficult to address because of the labor involved in doing so.


  • 深化中加经贸合作符合两国人民根本利益也是全面推进中加战略伙伴关系必然要求

    Deeper business cooperation serves the fundamental interests of our two countries and peoples. It is also essential to our efforts to advance our strategic partnership in an all-round way.


  • 战略联盟着眼于使企业远景目标要求IT工作保持一致。

    Strategic alignment focuses on the imperative to align the business vision, goals and needs with the IT efforts.


  • 在对日益扩大贷款业务进行管理的同时世行要求其借款国合作伙伴制定十年教育战略和目标。

    While managing its expanding portfolio, the Bank has also asked its client countries and partners to develop 10-year strategies and targets for their education programs.


  • 沃尔夫议员(Frank Wolf)当初最先国会提出议案要求成立伊拉克问题特别委员会党派特别委员会于2006年就美国针对伊拉克的战略出台了一份专题报告

    Congressman Frank Wolf was the author of legislation that created the Iraq Study Group, the bipartisan panel that issued a report in 2006 assessing U.S. strategy in Iraq.


  • 有些CIO职位广告可笑地展示了这种双重角色,一句话里面同时要求成为“战略伙伴具备“广博Cobol知识”。

    Some CIO job advertisements laughably demonstrate this dual-role, in the same sentence asking for a “strategic partnerandextensive Cobol knowledge.”


  • 战略伙伴框架按照当地要求每一个受援国制定具体三方协议

    Within the framework of this strategic partnership, specific tripartite agreements corresponding to local requirements will be formulated for each beneficiary country.


  • 亚洲地区任何稳定战略体系都必须考虑一个事实,就是可能也不应该要求日本永远放弃作为一个国家应有战略权利责任

    Any stable strategic system in Asia must take account of the fact that Japan cannot and should not be expected to forswear forever the strategic rights and responsibilities of nationhood.


  • 亚洲地区任何稳定战略体系都必须考虑一个事实,就是可能也不应该要求日本永远放弃作为一个国家应有战略权利责任

    Any stable strategic system in Asia must take account of the fact that Japan cannot and should not be expected to forswear forever the strategic rights and responsibilities of nationhood.


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